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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Those games have the same ending for both quests. You could also bring up listings like Ghosts 'n Goblins, which requires the true ending after the second loop, or Arkista's Ring, which requires four loops to get a true ending. The NES thread requires the true ending to be reached in those cases. There are also grey area titles like the Taxan "three endings" titles, which are pretty much the same thing with a challenge blurb that changes between completions. I believe those only require one loop to cross them off, as aside from challenging the player to another loop, those endings are otherwise identical between loops. I would say any game with multiple loops should follow that same criteria - if the ending is the same (or has a minor difference that doesn't change the ending as a whole), then one loop should suffice, but in the case of games with a fakeout ending before a true ending, the true ending needs to be reached. And in the case of multiple endings requiring different criteria to reach, I would consider any ending that requires playing a full game to reach a legitimate finish, and that getting all of them is not really necessary.
  2. While we're at it, let's bring back Stan and Portnoyd. And maybe someone can dig up Hounder while we're at it...I'd still love an answer from him about why he screwed me and so many others over.
  3. Yeah, shooters are arguably @Dr. Morbis's best genre. If he has any weaknesses, it's with sports games...and even then he's got a few games that he's top of the class in (Ice Hockey and Tecmo (Super) Bowl come to mind), so I wouldn't call it an all-out deficiency or anything. That said, in most shooters he's a distance player, not a score chaser, and it's tough for him to switch. Every time we play, he gets exponentially further than me, but I tend to have the high score long after I've gone game over, and I am flat out not good at shooters. I would imagine his score is very much beatable by someone who has the skills to go the distance but is more inclined to take a few risks to take down as many ships as possible.
  4. If it gives a "true" ending, yes. If the ending is the same, I would say no. But it's not my call to make either, nor do I know enough about the game to comment one way or the other for this specific case.
  5. Yeah, but it's just a matter of attrition, and little 10 year old me had finished reading all the books in the house twice
  6. All we need now is for NGD to drop by and say something with more typos than words Someone managed to outbid Braveheart on something? Damn, never thought I'd live to see the day! PS: Good to have you back, even if it's only for a short while. Been too damn long eh! Just go with Wingdings man, pretty much the same thing
  7. Of all things, Rampage. Also the only game I used a Game Genie with to make the game HARDER
  8. Dude, I am horrible with names, but I think I remember seeing you occasionally back in the day. Good to have you aboard!
  9. I'm sure some sort of update will be made, as it was mentioned in the comments that Billy was likely name-dropping the judge's assistant, and just flubbed her name (her name's Karina Griffith or something like that). Flubs like that happen a lot. I view it more as just a way to rub it in to a guy who hates losing that he lost. Yeah, some of the speculation was unnecessary and childish, but it doesn't detract to the "ha ha, you lost" factor that I believe the video was going for. Although it's pretty ballsy to do seeing as Billy is pursuing a lawsuit against him...if anything, this may just be giving Billy more ammo for that suit.
  10. Hmm...I've got a few...maybe I should get in before the bubble bursts on that market... Naw, fuck it. Too lazy.
  11. I'm just curious here, but I noticed Stadium Events is not on the list. Do you own it or are you intentionally omitting it? Definitely not wanting to start an argument about semantics - each collector is in charge of what they want to collect, and nobody else can tell them what is a "complete" set - I'm just personally curious about your position on that one Anyway, if I could help you I totally would, but I don't have any extras from your list. It's definitely a doable list though! Good luck!
  12. He's not saying the video doesn't accuse ANYBODY. He's saying it's not accusing Dain, and I would argue Jeff either, just stating that there's a possibility that they may have known something was up. In Dain's case, I doubt that's true, can't speak for Jeff but it's likely not either, but speculation does NOT equate to accusation.
  13. This is Dr. Morbius: This is the guy you want, Dr. Morbus: Spelling is everything
  14. I've known Dain a LONG time...since when NA was just a nugget of an idea and not an actual thing. And the Dain I know would never knowingly associate with anything even remotely close to this shady. And yeah, he was pretty much done with the scene for years before he finally sold off. His collection was his to sell for whatever he got, and while I wish NA had gone to someone who would've kept it going, I don't begrudge him for selling it off as well, and while I like to think that he would've preferred it didn't die such an ignoble death, after selling it that would be completely out of his hands.
  15. I happen to like MUSCLE. It's not great, but for such an early game, it's not as bad as people claim. Used to play the crap out of it on my buddy's 31-in-1 cart when I was a kid, game was fun in short bursts.
  16. So the mental debate rages...do I put the effort in to try and get a score, or practice some MUSCLE for next week? Decisions, decisions...
  17. Yeah, they also require links to watch though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydGeU0Q4i_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnQaUgPnY8w Enjoy the retro goodness. But the idea is that I wanna do a new one, seeing as the last one was a decade ago...they don't have the same pissoff appeal that cracking a WATA case and opening that fucker would have on the internets
  18. Doesn't everyone have stories like that at some point in their history? I bought a few sealed games from a reputable guy at CGE '09 and one of them (Ikari Warriors II of all things) was a reseal. A very high quality reseal that likely wouldn't have been noticed if I hadn't opened it. The guy offered some money back but I basically paid for a CIB so I declined it. Ah, the good old days.
  19. I removed one of those from an N64 box with a hair dryer. Seriously, you set the blower to high, wait around 30 seconds or so, and start peeling. If it starts sticking, blow it again. It basically just melts the shit out of the glue, making it easy to peel. Just do it slowly so you can catch if the coil stays behind...they're a bitch to get off if they stay behind.
  20. Oh, it's not just here. It's everywhere. I just remember when I would go online and read everything that popped up and enjoy killing pretty much my entire evening bantering with people. Now it's like there's two or three posts that interest me in any way. This is by far the most activity I've had on any forum in a LONG time, and I'm enjoying it. Not saying that it never happens, just that it's not the same experience as 10 or 15 years ago. Part of that is probably due to being an old-timer - there's almost never new information to be had, so it's boring to rehash the same topics. But at the same time, there's a LOT of money talk going around. Granted that was always there to a degree, but the percentage of it has grown practically exponentially over the last decade or so, and the tone of it has changed from "hey, I got this box and there's something cool in it, what's it worth?" to "hey, I just got a killer price on this item that I know goes for more, how much can I milk out of it?" Maybe I'm getting too old to actively participate, but is it even possible for some people to go a day on the board WITHOUT posting something about the financial side of the hobby?
  21. @Dr. Morbis do you recall if Tim Atwood was banned on NA or not? I was under the impression he was...
  22. Yeah, he basically got banned for owning (and iirc providing evidence thereof) shit that some asshats running the show didn't want to admit existed. Sad that a stand up dude like Tim got shut out like that.
  23. I know eh. I have a bunch of sealed games, mostly newer shit, but it's all stuff I just haven't got around to playing. If I decide I'm gonna play the game, I'm gonna break the seal. And if I never do, they'll stay that way (unless someone does for other systems what I started with the NES). I gotta admit though, if you told me in 2005 that I'd be in the hobby longer than 95% of the guys around me, and that the price of anything gaming would skyrocket immensely, I would've laughed so bloody hard Yet here I am, one of the longest tenured collectors in the scene, and so many names from back then are long gone. And you know what went with them? The fun side of the hobby. I'd probably frequent more of the forum if the bulk of it wasn't about money. I miss the old days, when people's first posts were about finding some obscure game they'd found that was surprisingly fun, rather than asking how much they could get for it.
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