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Posts posted by Monkeygift

  1. On 8/23/2024 at 12:11 AM, fcgamer said:

    Thanks for the explanation and thought process! I see a ton of this stuff around (only Taiwan versions), so I might have to start paying more attention to it. I might also send you a DM later about VHS, as it's something I've actually been wanting to get into a bit.

    Sorry for the late reply, had a busy month of August!
    So yeah, if you have any questions please, fire away in DM
    Btw, so far with the first month on Ebay I can say that it went extremely good and well above my expectations but it was mainly because of some VHS sales that I've included. But for the posters there is a good little start and I sold a couple, 2 of which were over $125 each. So I'd say, it's well worth looking up.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 8/19/2024 at 10:51 PM, fcgamer said:

    I'm not trying to be offensive, so please don't take it the wrong way. For these modern posters though, are they actually selling/is there a demand at those prices? I'm just wondering because I have quite a few Taiwan version posters of around the same era, and was figuring I'd likely just have to throw them out....i.e. I figured there would be little demand for such modern items. If I'm wrong, then that's great news.

    Also, one thing not to forget is that video game promo posters collecting is something that is still very niche all around. But I have faith that the hobby will grow. Game collecting is so popular and many have game rooms that they want to decorate with some game art, so I think it's just a natural progression of the hobby.

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  3. On 8/19/2024 at 10:51 PM, fcgamer said:

    I'm not trying to be offensive, so please don't take it the wrong way. For these modern posters though, are they actually selling/is there a demand at those prices? I'm just wondering because I have quite a few Taiwan version posters of around the same era, and was figuring I'd likely just have to throw them out....i.e. I figured there would be little demand for such modern items. If I'm wrong, then that's great news.

    Good question! No offense taken at all. 
    Actually, I come from a VHS selling background since I've been living in Korea and I can say those had a slow start but quickly picked up over the years. Now some tapes sell for hundreds of dollars and some even sold for over $1000. I got a bit tired of the VHS as they are now geting much harder to track down and the condition is usually a bit bad (mold, dust, etc), so I moved on to another hobby I really enjoy which are games but wanted to do something that is closely related to them which are the posters, as Korean games (especially cartridges ones) can be super expensive. Anyway, to answer your question, it is a bit early to draw any conclusions yet as I started this just 20 days ago approx. Sold 1 poster so far and got 1 or 2 messages about others, but I think it is looking promising. I took the idea from another Ebay seller specializing in Japansese B2 size posters, seeing some of those had the exact same artwork as the Korean ones I have, so adjusted my prices accordingly. Also, I'm pretty much the only person offering those Korean posters anywhere online, monopoly is always a good thing 🤓, just like when I was selling VHS tapes.

    • Like 1
  4. Just opened up my Ebay Store page called Artkore (which is a word play on Art & Korea) and I'm selling mostly Korean posters but will eventually post a couple rare Korean games as well. Feel free to browse! All posters are original promos that were only given to stores for advertising. It is sadly impossible to track down any vintage ones (or anything older than a couple months) as nobody in Korea ever collected them. So when I started collecting 2 years ago, those posters are now impossible to find as they were either all destroyed or returned to the distributor for a similar fate. So, here's a sample of what I'm offering:



    Octopath Traveler II copy.jpg

  5. 11 hours ago, fcgamer said:

    That doesn't make it rare though. 😛 Likely these are just priced to primarily be display / trophy / showcase pieces, again a technique with which I'm very familiar.


    That shop I go to (which is a gaming coffee shop also. Really cool place) has very fair prices for everything I've purchased. But trust me on that, anything on cartridge that was released prior to 2000 here in Korea is now insanely rare as the generation that grew up with that are now making good money and are going nuts hunting this stuff down.

  6. On 12/24/2022 at 6:36 AM, phart010 said:

    My guess is that there’s a healthy amount of stock in Korea and the Koreans are oblivious to any demand that exists outside of Korea. So the games haven’t come up out of their hiding places 

    There isn't. I live in South Korea and those games can't be found in any shops anywhere. They are at best in private collections and extremely sought after by locals and therefore fetch very high prices here.

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