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Posts posted by nerdynebraskan

  1. 13 minutes ago, mbd39 said:


    This is a weird coincidence but I was trying to beat this same game yesterday. I reached 4-2.

    Not a good port. I'd stick with the SNES version (or Genesis which I haven't played yet.)


    I've only ever played the NES version. It's enjoyable, but definitely has its flaws. I think the giant carnivorous plant is actually the toughest boss, and you only fight it once early in the game (2-1, right?). It's not even the "main" boss of its stage. 

    Other than that, the hardest part of the game is not falling into pits. Between the stiff and not always responsive controls, and the cheap placement of flying enemies near the pits, those are very dangerous. It definitely feels like a quarter-munching spot in an arcade game there.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

    Aww, that's too bad, because the game controls really well and runs fine, too. So it had most of the ingredients to be a good or great game. But it's also reassuring to hear, that other people have trouble with this game as well. I'll keep this game on the back burner and try something else first, even if I don't quite know yet which one it will be.

    Keep in mind that the game is one of the very few on the NES to support the 4P multi-tap. It's the best racing game on the system as a multiplayer. The computers are just too overpowered on the single-player game.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

    I tried R.C. Pro-Am II for comparison which tends to get better ratings. However, I think that this game sucks pretty had. It may control better, but the cars are often faster than the screen so steering becomes near impossible unless you know the track in advance. On top of that you have to collect some random letters on the street in order to upgrade your car. However, they're rare and the CPU tends to collect them before you. And once they do you may end up in a vicious circle where you can't upgrade your car anymore, but they can. Then your entire playthrough is basically ruined just by one error earlier on. On top of that you don't even get passwords like in Super Cars. What a crappy game!

    R.C. Pro-Am II is probably one of the 10 toughest games I've beaten. And yeah, a critical aspect of the game is to memorize the tracks and gobble up the power-ups before the computer can get to them. You can overpower your vehicle and dominate the first 2/3s of the races before the computers inevitably catch up and start fucking you over.

  4. 2 hours ago, Splain said:

    Battleship. Fun to play but slightly too long, given how predictable the CPU gets. Searching for those 1x1 submarines suuuuucked.

    Yeah, it's a lot of effort to see the ending screen on that one, and subs do seriously suck (especially in the middle stages where you don't have as many special shots to clear the screen quickly).

    Also: Sesame Street 123 and ABC are done.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Khromak said:

    Mega man 3 done with only buster and rush, except the final boss who is immune to the buster. I did end up using the trick on the shadow man stage, it took many tries but I eventually got it. I actually think one of the hardest parts was actually wood man, without e tanks he's damn tough. 

    Can you explain that trick to get past the ladderbug? And will you be going after the Mega Man 2 challenge as well? 

  6. I'm about 85% of the way through Spiritual Warfare, but it was getting late and I called it a night. The puzzle room on the beach and the island south of the beach with the heart container were frustrating the hell out of me, and the Internet was not immediately helpful with solutions. The only walkthrough on GameFAQs (by the legendary AdamL himself) is not actually very detailed, and I didn't have much patience to scan a YouTube longplay where the player had done his business in a very different order than I am. And I really need the Sword of God, because the methed-out muscle guys on the beach are really wearing me down. 

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