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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Watched Terminator with the boy last weekend. It was glorious. Hopefully we'll get to T2 this weekend.
  2. Killer! Def had a couple friends that were completely convinced that we live in a simulation after seeing it half a dozen times in the theater.
  3. Aw damn. Just realized I didn't vote on this one. All killer no filler!
  4. Finally got around to rewatching. I'd say it just barely slips into the 8 category. I didn't previously vote because I kept mixing it up with the Illusionist since I watched em both around the same time. I forgot about Bowie playing the roll of Tesla and did a double take when he first appeared. Perfect casting there.
  5. ¡ʞɹoʍ ɹǝʇɟɐ ʇno sᴉɥʇ ʞɔǝɥɔ oʇ ʇᴉɐʍ ʇ,uɐƆ
  6. ˙ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇno ʇǝs ǝʇǝldɯoɔ ʇsǝlooɔ ǝɥʇ ʎlqᴉssod ǝʇᴉnQ ¡ƃuᴉzɐɯ∀
  7. @AetiusForReal is an old school dev. I believe these are uploads of projects/prototypes he was involved with. There is a torrent link on each of them.
  8. Well it's automatically better than the Wii. You have the entire Wii library, it's HD, and it's controller scheme is finally nailed down to a real standard after essentially three generations of experimental controllers. And the tablet while not perfectly executed, is clearly a Switch prototype.
  9. The first Turtles game. IncrediIncredibly significant if you ask me. One would have to give it a 10 based on that alone.
  10. I played Spook-o-tron with a quick shot and an advantage and it was very difficult. Dual advantages would be the best to try but the size may be prohibitive.
  11. Press the windows button + the period button to use emojis from your PC.
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