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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. His favorite console isn't out yet. Be another 20 years, allowing 5 year lifecycles.
  2. Liq didn't have my go to Extra Gold so I decided to try some (gasp) craft. Took me 15 minutes to choose the Upslope lager. It's aiight.
  3. Rockin out to Easy Lover on my way home from work. Gonna be a good weekend.
  4. Love that tune. Phil's greatest hits cd is going in the car tomorrow!
  5. I'd give it a 6 and bump it up to a 7 for historical significance to ruffle Reed's feathers. Prefer DOOM but they're both great franchises. I think I missed the last 2 Wolfensteins but I'm only one game behind on DOOM at the moment.
  6. Man, I really enjoyed the McRib being back at the beginning of the year. The last time I went to McD's at the end of January, their signs were still up but they were out of em. "Whelp, see you later." Haven't been back since. Probably be another decade before I get a McRib again. Damn.
  7. Waiting on @peg to comment that they're all trash so I can like his post.
  8. Well, I probably wouldn't bother watching otherwise. Pander to me!
  9. Just finished and started the movie. I always get Sphere mixed up with Contact. Which also reminds me of Event Horizon. Late 90s were rife with sphere/portal based alien movies for some reason... Oh yeah, Stargate too.
  10. I only buy occasionally on ebay but I'm a terrible feedbacker (feederback?). If I see the reminder email, I'll do it. I'm sure I still have some outstanding feedback from last year now that I'm thinking about it...
  11. The Adventures of Ford Fairlane may very well be another 10. Morris Day as Don Cleveland has one of the best lines ever delivered on screen, "You got to shave before you leave the house in a dress like that... and I don't mean your legs." :P
  12. 10. I think I have more than 10 10s by now but that's ok. I watch a lot of movies. Raiders is the best of the trilogy. I think I'd go Raiders: 10, Temple: 8, and Crusade: 9. Also, Raiders has possibly the best death scene of all cinema.
  13. That's pretty rad. First instance of Nintendo in pop culture?
  14. Three lines in total Five syllables in the first Then seven then five
  15. You just can't follow The instructions can you, Reed Do it the right way You just have to be A rebel don't you RR Haikus only Brock
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