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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. You just can't follow The instructions can you, Reed Do it the right way You just have to be A rebel don't you RR Haikus only Brock
  2. That's not a haiku Simply terrible, really Stop it right now, Reed!
  3. Ohhhhh... The James Bond machine? Goldeneye was (is) pretty tight. It def got a workout back in the day. I had a very vivid dream after an all week bender in 97 where my friends and I were death matching around town. I'd get shot or blown up and immediately wake up with a pistol and start all over. It was intense. Other than that the 64 just doesn't hold up for me. I traded away all my 64 gear last year for NES stuff. Even Goldeneye. 5
  4. Haven't played it in 10 years or more. I liked boxing the best. Reminds me a lot of my favorites arcade boxing game, Konami Mocap boxing. @Richardhead
  5. I believe this is what you're after. @majestyzxobtained one. Not sure if any other NAers did. http://archive.nes.science/nintendoage-forums/nintendoage.com/forum/messageview79ae.html?StartRow=1&catid=22&threadid=125036
  6. Dope! Look forward to seein that bad mamajamma in action.
  7. I'm not really interested in these boutique throwback consoles especially in the $250+ price range. However, if the VCS came with wireless Atari paddles, I'd be all over that just to play Kaboom! in comfort and style on the big screen. Oh well, dropped the ball again, Atari.
  8. Wtf? We're still on about this penny thing? Knock it off, Code. You don't need to go around correcting the internets. Plus you're wrong irregardless. Take a clue from the authority on the subject: The U.S. Mint. "The penny, nickel, dime, and quarter are the circulating coins that we use today."
  9. Here's the boy's latest couple of issues. December was all Sergio Aragones. This month is Spy vs Spy. There's some other spoofs too but it's pretty Spy heavy. One of the best things about the new series is the mini posters by Tom Bunk in the middle. This month's is particularly cool.
  10. Mean Girls is the shit. Lindsey Lohan at her peak.
  11. Precedent has already been set for 35th anniversaries. It's gonna be LoZ/Zelda II Game & Watch.
  12. A-Ha for the bracket. I also took InfoSoc, Foster, and Divinyls. Really like Chaka Khan but there's just something about that Divinyls song. I can't quite put my finger in it.
  13. Thanks for putting this on @Jeevan. Good times were had by all.
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