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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Glad to see you practicing for opening day, @skinnygrinnny @42 foot tapewom @docile tapeworm.
  2. It does. You heard it here, VGS. I'm better than Doug2 at video games!
  3. Same boat. Had 2 Supers with bad GPUs. My last one shit the bed about a year before the Super Nt came out so I bit on it. Kinda wish I woulda nabbed the Mega Sg too.
  4. Saw one of these in action at a vintage game shop a couple years ago. Dude wouldn't sell it to me. Pretty rad though.
  5. Nintendo of America. Probably a refurb or replacement door.
  6. Not true. I know for a fact you have this in your collection.
  7. Despite its impenetrable message, @PII's post from the manual is 100% accurate and essential to completing each stage.
  8. Meh. The song is just alright otherwise he would have kept it for himself. Instead of being a weak Prince B side he gave it to Sinead so she could have at least one hit.
  9. You have my attention. Nice parallax and 8 way.
  10. Stage 5: 18,200 I admittedly have no idea what I'm doing.
  11. Dude's a fuckin mutant. Props though. Pretty much just jealous Denver didn't pick him up. At least he put the screws to the Chefs and Mahomes.
  12. Alright, here's my Superbowl fixins. I made Lit'l Smokies with my signature spicy sauce. Some of my favorites football snacks. The wife made buffalo chicken sliders with dill pickle slaw. Deeelicuous! And finally, I was inspired by @SailorScoutMandy and made some Bavarian pretzels. My technique could use a little work but they were almost perfect. Nice and crusty outside and super soft on the inside.
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