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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Awesome! I'd trade you a CIB Nintendo game or two for your cereal box.
  2. He is not stating that those businesses are receiving priority based on protected class, rather the priority is to ensure equal access to resources for those businesses. I admit it does read like he is giving preferential treatment but the idea is to elevate the struggling classes to a place of equality. He def could have worded it better.
  3. Nice. That pin is from the Project Blue Kickstarter.
  4. 13:58 Lady just casually opens a Game Boy and pulls everything out of the box.
  5. Would you play it in a box? Would you play it with a fox?
  6. Hahaha. Same as usual. I'm sure someone will rake you over the coals but you do you. It's your collection and no one else's.
  7. Right. You don't need to marry her when she's just gonna get "stuck" in the clothes dryer regardless.
  8. 3 by definition. I literally change the radio whenever they play except an occasional allowance for Mysterios Ways. That wah-guitar hook gets me. I'll hand it to the Edge for his guitar talent but Bono and the band's sound in general just rub me the wrong way.
  9. Grabbed all of the DOOM as well including 2016. Also, Mega Man Legacy volume 2. Haven't played 9 and 10 for years. Fantastic sale.
  10. Yeah wish I would have grabbed another one to mod. I was seriously thinking about a Raspberry Pi MAME mod for a while but I'm not sure how to make it work and still retain the spinner. I had all of the gear in my Amazon cart at one point. But the button layout would be a little tight and I don't want to be crowded playing Tempest.
  11. I'm a big fan of Tempest and picked up the Asteroids cab (including Tempest) for $90 when Walmart was closing out the first series of these a couple years ago. There's just no reasonably priced solution for spinner arcade games at home so I was pretty happy to find it deeply discounted. Would love to have the original style Tempest cabinet and art but no way am I upgrading for $400. Asteroids art is pretty rad anyway.
  12. Don't get me wrong, T2 is amazing but I find myself watching other Arnold movies more frequently. I'll reserve my thoughts for next week assuming that we're wrapping up Arnold month with that one. I'll just say Total Recall is more of a popcorn flick for me, while T2 is more of a commitment. Plus he doesn't even kill anyone in that movie.
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