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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Don't get me wrong, T2 is amazing but I find myself watching other Arnold movies more frequently. I'll reserve my thoughts for next week assuming that we're wrapping up Arnold month with that one. I'll just say Total Recall is more of a popcorn flick for me, while T2 is more of a commitment. Plus he doesn't even kill anyone in that movie.
  2. 10. Probably my favorite Schwarzenegger film after Conan. The scifi/action genre is some of my favorites and he had it pretty much cornered in 80s going into the 90s. I always found it very interesting that the twist comes in the first half of the movie and we see it play out through the rest of the adventure. NSFW: And of course everyone loves...
  3. I remember that Line in the Sand special. Crazy. Pop was in the Army and we were stationed in Germany at the time. He was tapped and ordered to Saudi Arabia for 8 months just before Christmas of '90. It sucked! During that time we had MP guards armed with M16s on the bus and at school it was kind of bizarre. I remember one even had the M16 with grenade launcher. Predator style! We constantly asked about the guns. They were more for show. The guns were never loaded; I'm not sure if they even carried magazines. There were also bomb threats at school pretty regularly. I imagine the first couple might have been malicious but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the older high school kids just started doing it for a laugh to get out of class. The whole thing was very surreal.
  4. Never even seen one. Luke warm interest. I wouldn't go out of my way but if it happened to be in the room, I would hook it up and give it a whirl.
  5. I'm officially updating my score to a 10. I'ma show it to my 10 yr old this weekend.
  6. Def not NESMaker. From the campaign per @SoleGoose As with all of Gradual Games’ NES projects, it was programmed from the ground up in 6502 assembly language...
  7. The TV is clearly on Jupiter (which is way too small) while the spaceman is perched atop Neptune. Everyone knows that Saturn comes next in the order of planets.
  8. Shareware DOOM is the best. All the rest is gravy. Delicious satanic gravy.
  9. GnR were killer on Appetite. Hard rockin hair metal at its finest. Their only great album start to finish. Then Axl became a bitchy diva and the band went downhill. Not a fan of the Use Your Illusion concept and the artsy fartsy bent the band turned towards at that point. Easily could have paired those down to one good album. Not everything need to be an epic sweeping ballad dripping with symbolism and deep meaning. Sure, Don't Cry and November Rain are great but we could just leave it at that. As much as I dig some of the rock operas and concepts of the 70s, that shit was played out by the 90s. Just give me some good roadhouse rock, strip joint tunes, an occasional ballad, and let Slash rip some hooks and wail on the solos. I give em a 6 but I wouldn't really consider seeing em live out of fear of a no show.
  10. Indeed. I suppose I was thinking more of the button layout as a downward angle from the perspective of reading left to right. I like @Estil's description of a NW thumb placement better.
  11. @Bearcat-Doug and @Jeevan you've got some homework this weekend. I expect a 100 word report on my desk by Monday morning. RM is available on prime right now.
  12. While not my alltime favorite (Conan claims that spot), pretty much my exact sentiment. I can think of at least 5 Arnold Movies that I would give a 10. This being one of them. Running Man also sports the best scene in any movie ever.
  13. What's going on in here?
  14. No no. Chile. But that's a burrito.
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