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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. TLDR: Triggered Karen starts shit because I told her kid that he needs to wear a mask to play with my kids. So I'm at a park with my kids this morning (all of us in masks) and there is generally enough space to enjoy our time without being in close proximity to anyone else at this particular park. Irregardless, I won't let my kids play with others that don't wear masks but will generally let them run around together if masks are in effect since it's outside. So a aoman and her boy roll up sans masks while we are on the swings. She keeps her distance and sits on a bench (fine ) but her kid comes within a couple feet looking like he wants to play. So I ask him where his mask is and of course he doesn't have one. It kills me but I tell him he can't play near us without a mask. He walks back to mom a little dejected and I leave it at that. Then Karen pipes up indignantly, "Did you just tell him he needs a mask?!" "Yes," I say, "if he is going to play near us, he needs one." Karen, defiantly, "He's 4!" Now it is true that kids under 10 are exempt from the mask order in Colorado but I still won't put my family in that situation and I am not about to up and leave just because someone else showed up. By now we're both shouting across the park. "I don't care! Wear a mask in public!" This is the point I pretty much stopped listening. Karen, "Well I'm a nurse and blah blah blah… !" Me: middle finger. Karen, "Oh, you're setting a real nice example for your kids!" (Why do people always say that when I shoot em the bird in front of my kids? Meh.) Me: double birds. "Quit being so selfish and put on a goddamn mask in public!" So she gathers up her kid and leaves the park muttering all the way to the car. There is plenty of other playground equipment at the park. I just don't understand why mom can't play with her own damn kid on the jungle gym or the spring horses or something. So was I over the line here? My kids seem to think so. I probably could've not given her the middle finger but I didn't want to have a public argument in the first place.
  2. Smothers Brothers was my shit in 3rd grade. Got my first Imperial Duncan because of the Yo-yo Man segments. It was blue.
  3. It's been brewed consistently since inception. I know about 10 years ago, distributors told stores out of state that Coors discontinued it. Might be a CO only thing these days. It's only produced in 30 paks now and is usually found next to the Keystones and PBRs if your store carries any. You might check at a larger liquor store. Some of my small local stores don't carry it at all. DM me if you want to surprise your dad, I'll send you a sixer for cost of a medium flat rate.
  4. Dang. My immediate thought was to try a Genesis controller too. Looks like it's on the console side. If you can't clean it, I'd say acromite's got the right idea. Any chance of a refund or exchange?
  5. Also saw this the other day. Color me impressed. In the same vein, have you seen @Vectrex28's raycasting effort for the Nintendo? No additional hardware. I dicked around with the demo for a good 30 minutes.
  6. Getting down on this rye tonight. Thanks @Richardhead.
  7. Merry Christmas! Extra Gold is my favorites. Used to be a "premium" Coors product back in the day but now it's relegated to the bottom shelf 30 paks which is fine by me. One of the full body lagers that were popular in the 80s. Think MGD but way better. Not sure how far out of state it reaches anymore. Here it costarring with Arnold in The Running Man.
  8. Never had the pleasure but would like to check it out. No interest in buying a console or collecting though.
  9. Happy new year from the mountain timezone!
  10. Thanks! Just ordered '18 and NWC. Been meaning to get that one too.
  11. Here's my modest collection. 2016 (pinball) and 2018 (ski free) are my favorites. Still need to get '18 if anyone wants to help.
  12. Meh. By then, I was over the sandbox games. It's too bad, because westerns are particularly underrepresented in video game media. If it came out in-between Vice City and San Andreas, I would have really liked it. After San Andreas, I lost interest in the formula. The scope of those games is just too much for me anymore.
  13. Damn you, Reed, for making me take stock of my poor gaming habits. Nintendo Unbeaten Akira - Famicom translation The Cowlitz Gamers' 2nd Adventure - homebrew Deadpool - Ninja Gaiden hack Fester's Quest Haradius Zero - homebrew Hangman - homebrew Haunted Halloween '85 - homebrew Haunted Halloween '86 - homebrew Jay and Silent Bob Mall Brawl - homebrew The Legend of Zelda - with guide The Legends of Owlia - homebrew The Mad Wizard - homebrew Portopia Serial Murders - Famicom translation Project Blue - homebrew Star Tropics Twin Dragons - homebrew Beaten Trophy - homebrew Super Mario Bros Kraft Dinner - hack Battle Kid 2: Mountain of Torment - homebrew Switch Unbeaten Axiom Verge - digital Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Burnout Paradise Remastered Katamari Damacy Reroll The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection - Mega Man Zero - Mega Man Zero 2 - Mega Man Zero 3 - Mega Man Zero 4 - Mega Man ZX -Mega Man ZX Advent Beaten Mega Man 11
  14. He's just doing his part since the banner ads came down.
  15. Looks like next year is fucked too. Coming in hot from CO. You're welcome. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/12/30/health/colorado-uk-coronavirus-variant/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/30/health/coronavirus-mutant-colorado.html
  16. Hahaha. Had the exact same thing happen this month with a medium flat rate. I scheduled it for redelivery with instructions for it to be placed on the porch. No redlivery occurred, just another pink slip with a "final warning" to retrieve the package. I'll give em the benefit of the doubt this season though. Trump cutbacks plus unprecedented deliveries due to COVID. I wouldn't be surprised if the package wasn't even on the truck the first time around. Probably just went out with a wad of pink slips for "undeliverable packages."
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