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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Coreys month. There's 2 of em. And I'd be fine if it ended after that. There should also be a bonus poll for which Corey is best.
  2. Also Cocktail kicks ass because of its soundtrack. I give Cocktail an 8 for Kokomo alone.
  3. Not til after Coreys month! And Days of Thunder all day long over Magnolia.
  4. I'd say RetroZone is fairly popular among this set. I know there's a couple I still need and I'm not about to spend the kind of money people are asking.
  5. A couple years ago, I unexpectedly received this really strange picture from @SoleGoose...
  6. I'll take this over Nightmare Before Xmas any day. Even at Christmas.
  7. I can appreciate that. I don't know what it is beyond that though. Nothing has really hit me as exceptional in the last few years. Probably just got old.
  8. Never liked it. Tim Burton being pretentious while trying to cash in on two holidays with the same movie. Music sucks too. Same goes for James and the Giant Peach. Which is all really a shame because the animation is pretty cool. Really the only thing going for both movies.
  9. Experiencing The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages for the first time. Damn it's good.
  10. I think you should send 'em to me. Kidding aside, TWATA seems to be the standard of the day. If you want to sell on Heritage Auctions, they won't take VAG.
  11. Only played it a handful of times. Haven't really cared about a home Sony console since the PS2. I voted "no interest." Honestly, modern games are mostly too involved and epic for me.
  12. You know what? I don't think he's even a real doctor.
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