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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. But Sonic 2 is the better game. Just like SF2 is better than SF1. They improved on the formula for both franchises. Super SF2 is more of a half step. I don't really consider the myriad SFII versions as different games. I would say your comparison is more like an original title vs the GotY version with added DLC. Plus everybody knows the best iteration is Ultra Hyper Super Street Fighter II Turbo Champion Revival Edition Alpha.
  2. I got a soft spot for Sonic. He had just the right 'tude for a 13 year old in the early 90s. Genesis was the first system I purchased with my own money and of course it came with Sonic packed in and a send away for a free copy of Sonic 2. Went with a 6. I don't play it too often but I'll bust it out every once in awhile. Sonic 2 is where it's at though.
  3. Don't know how I missed this one. Great Bill Murray flick but not my favorite. Give it an 8. Is it Coreys month yet?
  4. I've got all my gear. Just gotta wrap everything, put on the finishing touches, and ship.
  5. Beer for breakfast,eh? True German fashion.
  6. He's pretty great. Grew up with him in frequent rotation since my dad had a few albums. Some seriously catchy tunes. Plus he was the champ in Pinball Wizard.
  7. Says the guy who draws Kickle humping everything in sight.
  8. This movie got a lot of flack as a gender swapped reboot and I think a lot of people just can't see past it, unfortunately. I am typically not one for reboots/remakes or affirmative actionizing existing properties but that wasn't really the intent. It was an appropriate passing of the torch to some seriously funny ladies. Of course it's not as good as the original but I enjoy it more than 2, though I'd probably score them about the same. This movie got made because the original cast (primarily Murray) couldn't come together and agree on another sequel and then Reitman passed away. Which reminds me that they're doing an official original universe sequel. Was supposed to hit this year but got pushed back due to COVID of course.
  9. I enjoyed the overall contest length and number of games but felt the time for each game was too long. A few times it felt like no scores were posted until the end. I think a week to post scores is about right. Gives it a sense of urgency. Plus the schedule is announced in advance, so you can have pretty much as much time you need to practice a given title. I enjoyed the format of the final season but felt a little cheated on who can finish the game first for immunity. I like the idea of two different games and different objectives though. Can't say I have a better idea for the format.
  10. I probably gave it a few dozen attempts. I tried to play it a bunch throughout the playoffs in anticipation but I just haven't been able to get it.
  11. The Nintendo only gets better with time like a fine whiskey. The 64 aged like day old fries from McDonalds. It was tasty when it was hot but now it's all nasty and soggy.
  12. Haven't been drinking much lately but I decided to have some holiday cheer tonight.
  13. Had tons of fun. Thanks for putting this on. I even played a little Streemerz after getting knocked out. I never would have made a dent in NNNNNN. My best time is something like 7 seconds. Congrats, RED. Impressive as always.
  14. Dude gets third place in an online homebrew contest and starts referring to himself in the third person. See what fame does to you, kids?
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