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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. I would for a launch system with Zapper, controller and R.O.B., assuming it's all compatible with modern televisions. Shoot, that would be a steal.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! We're not doing a whole lot. Pretty much jus ham and pie.
  3. Exactly my point. I was working that out as you posted.
  4. Hear me out. It wouldn't be confusing if it had been that way from the beginning. Modern control schemes were established on the NES with with Super Mario Bros. and subsequent platformers as: A jumps, B shoots, and hold B to run, charge weapon or otherwise augment play. (A is also the decision button in many games in addition to START.) In order to play properly, one must hold B to run while being able to hit A to make the long jump. The natural position of the thumb in a standard grip is a 45 degree downward angle. Nintendo fucked up the orientation by rotating the face buttons counterclockwise resulting in an unnatural upward 45 degree slant. Nintendo even tried to correct the layout in Super Mario World by making Y the run button and B the jump button. Completely arbitrary. I largely blame the Game Boy for the incorrect slant but it really started with the NES MAX and Advantage controllers and was later applied to the NES dog bone and SNES controllers. Here is what a Game Boy should really look like.
  5. I like the ergonomic layout of the XBox controller best. The joystick is in the right spot but the arbitrary ABXY layout till seems wrong to me. At least they're colored. This is how the Super Nintendo face buttons should be laid out; and any subsequent controllers that use the letter theme.
  6. Playstation buttons make the most sense to me. I know instantly which button is which symbol. Nintendo is the worst. They lost me when they went from Nintendo to Super Nintendo and fucked up the orientation of B and A. I am constantly hitting the wrong buttons in menu.
  7. Was actually almost perfect. Seared on the outside and medium rare on the inside (I prefer rare). Looks like that cause my grill was out of propane. Cooked it in the oven then seared it in the pan.
  8. Kept going back and forth on 8 or 9. It's def a high 8 for me. Took me from high school to college and it sports some of my favorites games of all time. Played countless hours of Tekken (1, 2, and mostly 3), Road Rash, Twisted Metal 2 (greatest derby game of all time), and Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Tons of other great games too. Unfortunately, I don't go back to the well too much anymore. Still play SoTN every year though. Speaking of which, I'm about due.
  9. Broncos win and it's streak night. It was a good day.
  10. Any nerd worth his salt can see that's clearly the interior of the Millennium Falcon.
  11. Shoot yeah, I did. Only gave it the cursory play so far. Still gotta get after it proper.
  12. Musically, I'd rank him about a 7, but gotta give him +1 for being a fucking madman. +1 more for his Sabbath days. He's far more entertaining than just his body of music. Dude's the definition of rockstar.
  13. The Cheetos mac was merely ok. Pretty much exactly what I expected. It's still just box macaroni.
  14. For those of you who have not seen it up close if you care to take a gander.
  15. Spielberg and Corey. That's another 10. Probably my first "horror" movie. Also one of the movies that pushed the creation of the PG-13 MPAA rating. Scared the crap out of me as a little kid. I used to imagine the carpet moving as if gremlins were about to about to bust out from under the floor boards as I was going to sleep. Good times.
  16. I show they're currently available at Target. In stock at my local store and still available to order.
  17. Good eye. Yeah it's not the original cover. Cement Factory is an alltime favorite of mine. @Foochie776 scored it for me a few xmases ago.
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