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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. So it's a pretty badass little unit. Based on my initial impressions, I give it 4 1/2 stars. My only minor complaint is that it doesn't have a kickstand like the OG Game & Watch. So it doesn't quite fulfill its duty as a stand alone clock.
  2. That's a fucking Lazer Tag pistol. Had a black set when I was a kid. Custom mod maybe? Looks like the trigger doesn't quite line up with the gun mold.
  3. Lost Boys is a 20. It has double the amount of Coreys.
  4. 10. It's a Corey movie. Seriously though, Goonies is damn near a perfect all ages movie. High adventure, mild swearing throughout, romance, comedy, drama, action, great cast of protagonists/antagonists, pirate booty! Steven Spielberg and Richard Donner (and Corey) at the pinnacle of movie making.
  5. Had to think about it and went with a 5. My cousin had one and I was kind of amazed by it but I almost always opted to play (his brother's) Nintendo when visiting. That was all before I had my own Nintendo. I even tried to convince my parents to get me a Master System because it was half the price of a Nintendo. Thank you, grandma, for coming through on my 10th birthday with the Nintendo. Ultimately it ranks up there with PS3-5, Wii, Xbone, etc. I'd probably go more out of my way to play Master System than most of those consoles but it's still not too likely.
  6. Success! Slather a little butter and they're pretty damn tasty!
  7. Dough is done with the second rise. Time for the oven!
  8. Attempting to bake some bread. Chocolate buns, specifically. I'll let you know how it goes.
  9. Not one I owned and never played it more than a few minutes. I'm interested but don't know that I'll get around to this one.
  10. These are speaking to me right now. Fuckin job can suck it.
  11. Fucking 10. C'mon. Its Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver, and Rick Motherfuckin Moranis. Quintessential 80s flick.
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