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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Found this one on the newsstand recently. It was supposed to be pulled in March. I thought they weren't selling MAD in store any longer. Maybe just the specials.
  2. I'd be interested in some magic. Just started my kid on it.
  3. You want me to quit? Fine. I demand a refund.
  4. Score updated. Finally completed the first loop of Scramble since I originally bought it.
  5. Yeah. Especially if something is for offer and you throw out a price on request. You at least deserve a "thanks."
  6. An early arcade love was the cocktail Ms. Pac-Man at the Pizza Hut. I'd always ask Pop for two quarters while we waited for the large thin and crispy pepperoni. (That's the best chain pizza there is.) One quarter for the table, and one for the jukebox so I could listen to Run DMC Walk This Way.
  7. I was admittedly spoiled with the Onion. It was a free publication here in Denver and we would get stacks at the music store. Never crossed my mind that it would be collectable in the slightest. I do miss it though.
  8. Fuck yeah! Schlitzie the pinhead! I'd say it's a very important film that everyone should watch. But it's also not something I would go out of my way for on the regular. So an average of 5 and 9 gives it a 7. I also have an odd fascination with pinheads. I think it was the Zippy the Pinhead comic strip that started it. Used to read it daily back when newspapers were a thing.
  9. ^ Nice! Wish I had that one. Found the rest of what I have. I could've swore I had one 80s issue leftover but I guess not. I really like the all Spy issues. They're the only ones I've seen that don't have fold-ins.
  10. I would buy the occasional Cracked if they happened to pique my interest. Yeah, it got rebooted a couple years ago by a new publisher on the west coast I think. It's every other month. The latest is issue #16.
  11. So I got a deal duped into a subscription of MAD magazine for my kid and his first issue came yesterday. It's pretty rad and he seems to enjoy it but I'm afraid a lot of the older content will go over his head. The new zines are mostly compilations from the classic volumes. So this one is all monster/horror movie spoofs from late 50s through 00s. Anyway, my nostalgia is running pretty high at the moment. I had a bunch of mid/late 80s MAD that my mom threw out when I was 10. I still have a few later issues, mostly 90s and 00s. I'll see if I can't grab pics and update as I come across them. So any of you collect MAD or have classic favorites?
  12. Peace out. CO won't be the same without you. Best of luck in the ND.
  13. Hold on. I need to consult the Nintendo Universe Video Game Masters list first.
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