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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Aw fuck yeah. Killer. Among Burton's best. Plus all the UFO scenes are sampled from Ray Harryhausen's Earth vs. the Flying Saucers. Ack ack ACK ACK!
  2. I can't say I like it. But I was very impressed at the time. I also don't have a ton of nostalgia for it either. Really, it's the beginning of the end for my interest in Mario. Every subsequent Mario game is pretty much meh. Odyssey is maybe a 5 for me. 64 is pretty good. If it were a TWATA grade, it would be 6.0 D--.
  3. Shit yeah! Yall bustas are goin down like @bertsampson on everyday that ends in Y.
  4. You can just use the url and VGS will embed the image now. HTML or BBcode won't work. @Gloves mentioned it in the Site Maintenance thread a couple weeks ago.
  5. My preference depends on the game but it doesn't faze me either way generally. If there are flight mechanics or simulations though, controls better be inverted.
  6. Mario when he was named Jumpman. Yeah, before he was super.
  7. Aw hell no! Videomation is not a game, it's a state of the art drawing and painting studio. 2020 VGS Videomation Grand Champ reprazent!
  8. That RTX 3070 is looking pretty good. Might have to make the jump to PC this go round.
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