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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. I heard he was hangin out with that Toxie Drools fella.
  2. Sean Connery is the best Bond. I like em all really except Lazenby. Thunderball is my favorite flick followed by Never Say Never which is pretty much a remake of Thunderball. But it has that sweet World Domination video game.
  3. As much as I love Diana, Lazenby is the worst Bond. Not a fan of OHMSS.
  4. Aw man. RIP. I have a healthy retro crush on Emma Peel.
  5. Yeah. Really, Kickle was too good for your mom.
  6. Might be my favorite PS2 game. Good luck!
  7. JamesRobot


    Interesting arrangement of Pink Floyd's Eclipse in that trailer. Could be good. They'll probably manage to shoehorn Sting in and ruin it though.
  8. I change the station every time. I appreciate the catchiness of their tunes but they rub me the wrong way. I don't know what it is...
  9. I'm a big Primus fan. I've been listening quite a bit lately. Turned my son onto Tales from the Punchbowl and the Brown Album a couple weeks ago. Showed him Pork Soda just yesterday.
  10. This is how he produced the Sage mascot. Not sure if it's Casual's go to method or not but I will also scan my drawings and color/manipulate them in Photoshop.
  11. Killer and easily one of the best films of '97. Way better than that lame ass porn movie about the coke addict with the big dick. What was it called? Oh yeah, Titanic. That movie blows. Anyway, probably a toss up between Fifth Element and MIB for my favorite movie that year.
  12. Yeah that makes sense. It's some kind of unique mapper I understand.
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