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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Just throw that Radiohead cdr out the window and you're golden.
  2. Pretty good but I probably wouldn't go see em. I'd put em in the same category as Depressed Mode but they're a lot more tolerable for whatever reason.
  3. Pretty good. Dig most of the tunes but David Byrne kinda runs me the wrong way. Not sure what it is. +1 for the Tom Tom though.
  4. There is a Reboot reboot on Netflix.
  5. ...Or the Super Nintendo with its shitty yellow plastic and faulty PPU. (I like how you left that one out. ) Occasional pin contact issues aside, I been had my original Nintendo for 30 years and it fired up just fine the other day. It's the only console I've ever had that got serious playtime and still runs like a champ. I've had 2 2600s, 2 Supers (bad PPU), 2 PS2s, 2 PSPs, 3 GBAs (2 SPs), 2 DSs, 2 PS3s (Launch 60 gig didn't work straight out the box), 3 360s, and a Switch with joycons that wander harder than a hobbit across 3 boring ass movies. I love the 360 and if I could boil the fucking RRD to get it working again, it'd be on the stove every spaghetti night. The og Gameboy (I don't own one anymore) and the PS Vita are the only others that hold a candle. And the Vita has at least another decade of service before I can consider it in the running.
  6. Damn! Just crossed the 300k mark and couldn't get a pic in time.
  7. You should probably open up that Christmas present now. What did you get?
  8. Wow. Hadn't thought about that in years. I played the shit out of my shareware Doom. Kinda wish I still had it. Good one.
  9. Your anus! Plus he's not all that big from what BCat tells me.
  10. Yes! Star Evil is some of my favorites homebrew of all time. So absurd. Oh damn! Streemerz is being included too. Glad to see it return to a physical cart.
  11. Never played it. If I ever get bored of Nintendo games, I might bust out the super and give it a shot.
  12. Dammit, skinny! Don't be laughing at shit from two weeks ago. That shit's stuck in my head again!
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