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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. JrRobot wanted to submit another one. It's specifically drawn to make your eyes hurt. Ow
  2. We'll just have to disagree on that one.
  3. Sorry mang. I'm not trying to pile on. Just tryin to help a brother out since nobody else could test for the glitch on both platforms.
  4. Dope! Thanks a heap for the unique charms. And for the record, this is my first weekly NES contest win (as unorthodox as it may be) since I started playing in 2014. Thank you to the events and graphics teams for putting this on. And congratulations to the other contestant winners.
  5. AVS 1.3beta5 and standard release J & SB. (Haven't updated the firmware in a minute.) I get a game freezing glitch in level 1 right at the Truth or Date stage just as I'm fighting the Easter Bunny. The first night I played on the AVS and it glitched just for a moment and went past. Played again today to test and 3 times in a row the game completely froze with some garbled graphics in the HUD. I can confirm it works on my toaster with no issue at all. Kind of unfortunate but it appears to be an AVS issue. Here's pictures of the board. At a cursory glance it appears to be the same as @a3quit4s' limited board.
  6. Jimbo's never been cool. He been a brony for at least a decade.
  7. I gotta million dollar Mario to trade for a copy of Minnesota State Lottery Cart.
  8. I just can't spend $200+ on Legos. I want to so damn bad but I just can't. I envy you guys.
  9. Aw yeah. I'm down ta put some bronies on blast. Better watch out cuz I'm gunning for you, @SuperJimtendo!
  10. Same Never played the video game franchise. But I have played cards with my kid for the last couple years.
  11. Platinum member checking in. Got my NA badge to prove it.
  12. Seriously, it's been a decade. Why now? Poor Ke$ha. Whelp better get it one more time.
  13. God damn hippie pot tourists. Quit bringing that Florida COVID into my state! Get your own damn legal weed.
  14. Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures is essential 80s. My favorite Saturday morning cartoon at the time it aired. John K. worked on a dozen or so episodes and credits the toon as the harbinger of the creator driven cartoon renaissance of the 90s.
  15. RIP. Heard about it on the radio that morning. My preferred era of Fleetwood Mac.
  16. Ugh. I hate it even more now. Didn't even know that was a thing spun off of another thing that I didn't know about. Damn you, guil!
  17. Ehhhh, I don't know. Looks kinda like a flash game. Not really digging the art style either. And what happened to the Dark Queen? Bleah.
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