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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Can we get a rule change? This was gonna be one of the only weeks I mighta scored some points!
  2. I prefer strumpets with my tea. Oh, and those other things are English muffins over here. Honestly never knew what a crumpet was.
  3. I been to Starbucks; I know what a scone is. It's what you have with your tea and strumpets! They def have a different taste and texture. Scones are more like a dry ass muffin. You guys have muffins? Or cupcakes?
  4. Seems to be quarters and dimes are in the shortest supply. We order a bunch of coin at the bank mostly for car wash type businesses. We typically order around $4k a week in quarters and have only been receiving about $400. Not even a whole box. We been having someone roll coin full time lately so we can try to keep up with demand.
  5. Def not a scone. You eat biscuits with sausage gravy for breakfast. They're all crumbly and buttery. So damn good. You can also cut em open and add butter and honey.
  6. You guys are just butthurt because you got the shitty looking box-ass Super Nintendo! You guys are so cute together. Two Thailanders arguing about talking American. Also, if cookies are biscuits, what do you call biscuits?
  7. Tallboy and a flask of rye. The levy been dry.
  8. Damn. Lots of nostalgia feels in this thread. I'm pretty much Benny from the Lego Movie. Loved the space Legos as a kid. This is my favorite set that I had. Still have the instructions but I've given my entire collection to my kid. Might see if I can piece it together.
  9. Damn I know. Been on vacation all week and have had no time for Nintendo. Don't make no damn sense. I'ma try to knock out score tonight. Won't be pretty though.
  10. I like bad NES games. I only gave this a shot because my kid wanted it and it was free to play.
  11. I'm a solid "meh" but my kid gave it a 10. I definitely see the appeal but I can't get into it. 15 years ago, I probably would've really enjoyed it.
  12. Oh man, can't wait to receive confirmation. Waiting with bated breath. No premium for me though.
  13. Woof! Another wife band. I'll tolerate em if she puts em on otherwise they're about a 2. Pretty much bottom of the barrel for 80s new wave. Fun fact: In high school we did a hand jive at every fucking assembly to Just Can't Get Enough. I hated it then but strangely enough, that song kinda grew on me. I have a weird kind of nostalgia about it. Still won't listen to it of my own accord though.
  14. My 10 year old absolutely refuses to watch scary movies. We did get him into Gremlins and I thought he was gonna have a hard time but he liked. Be prepared to have the Santa Claus talk. (Billy talks about the time he learned Santa isn't real.) I'd suggest Saturday the 14th. Pretty hokey but has a good sense of humor and a slight sense of impending fear but nothing really scary. He also really enjoyed Monster Squad. Great humor and same sense of impending fear but not actually scary.
  15. Hey, I'm not scared! Lol. I love a good atmosphere that really puts me on edge. I think it mostly boils down to resource rationing. I hate being stuck because I used my only med kit an hour ago or I only have 10 rounds for a handgun and bullets are scarce.
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