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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. I don't know that I really like much survival horror. RE series is just ok for me. Doom? Although I feel that's straight horror and really more just a FPS. I guess I'd have to put in for Deadspace 2 as my favorites.
  2. Rumor has it Lego is releasing an official 1:1 NES console on August 1st this year for $229.99 Comes with a TV that scrolls SMB too. As rad as it is, I don't know if I can justify spending that cash. Anybody gonna grab one of these? Shelf candy only or would you build it? https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/07/nintendo_will_reportedly_release_a_usd250_lego_nes_console_next_month
  3. Dazed and Confused Damn ninjas.
  4. Correct I knew it had to be Adam Sandler.
  5. When I worked retail I would try to place stickers in a way that didn't obstruct the artwork. Upper right usually worked.
  6. Rad! Thanks for providing these @MeganJoanne.
  7. Heh - more like Nebraska. No no. He's totally right. Colorado sucks big time. No one should ever move here. Or visit for that matter. You wouldn't like it.
  8. It's pretty meh, honestly. I even revisited Blade Runner earlier this year and I still didn't really like it. On paper, it's got everything to be among my favorites: director, the source material, actors, dystopian future setting, robots. Unfortunately the execution just falls flat. I want to like it so bad, but it kinda sucks.
  9. On my way over. I'm drinking um, Mexican "lemonade."
  10. Very cool. Welcome aboard and thanks for sharing your project. I'm in if you produce physical copies.
  11. Bill did pen a few Pearls Before Swine strips a few years ago. (Shit, it's been 6 years already!) He comes in as a guest character and draws a few panels over a week or so. The story arc starts here: https://www.gocomics.com/pearlsbeforeswine/2014/06/02
  12. Egg, bacon and gouda breakfast sammie.
  13. Holy crap! Gary Larson just released three new Far Side comics today! https://www.thefarside.com/new-stuff
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