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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Don't include me in you and Doug's little love in. And get a damn haircut already. Not really a hippie but I am 1/4 lesbian. You see, my grandma was a lesbian...
  2. Yeezy with Musk as VP. Daft Punk For Secretaries of State. Get a couple new Supreme Court justices( Neil Young, Weird Al, @Gloves ) Lebron James and Colin Kaepernick as advisors. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Seriously? ...because everyone knows robots cannot be cabinet members. GAWD. Ya hear that @JamesRobot ? It's my constitutional right to vote in robots if I want to. It's in there somewhere near the bottom. Anyway, that all seems valid except the Musk part. He can't run cause he's South African, eh.
  3. Between family and work, I ain't got time for shit in tha 20s.
  4. Don't do any chores for that old man, Tendas!
  5. Maybe if you sweeten the deal with a couple butterscotches.
  6. Not reallly. They seem generic and formulaic to me. I'll give the Mario Makers a nod, but I don't really like playing those much either.
  7. I saw a picture of it! Thanks!
  8. SMB 1, 2, or 3 depending on the day. Honorable mentions to MTPO and Kart series. There hasn't been a good proper Mario since World though.
  9. I didn't steal it, I commandeered it. Skinny talkin smack about how MM3 is better than MM2. It's in a better place now.
  10. Fucking love that mirror. Thanks.
  11. Kinda crappy. Kinda really crappy. Lil Xan is better.
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