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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Real loc'd out OGs. Straight gangsta. World's most dangerous group. Genre defining. 10 for the entire set. You can't talk about gangsta rap without mentioning NWA. And you can't talk about NWA without consideration for all that came along in their wake. G's up ho's down.
  2. JamesRobot

    Boss Rush

    Castlevania bosses are badass. Symphony of the Night in particular. I think they added boss rush mode shortly after that title.
  3. Been rockin tha hazmat for a few years...
  4. Congratulations. It's ok to get hit or die, though. Lol. There's even a continue option. No need to save state smb.
  5. Ah the goldeNAge. It was a veritable utopia. Forever in our hearts and minds.
  6. Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I drew it while I was at the post office. You're welcome!
  7. That one's a Sage original. Just a few weeks old. I used to rock the Mr. Burns on the NAge.
  8. Pretty damn good. The cream cheese really makes it. And the peppers were nice and hot.
  9. Spam and hot pepper popper breakfast burritos!
  10. Paid ~59¢ the other day for mid grade after our King Soopers discount. Filled up both cars for 15 bucks!
  11. Gave it the initial play. Really looking forward to the cartridge. Legit.
  12. We didn't even buy meat last week and our bill was $50 more than our more expensive trips.
  13. Personal spending is down maybe 15 to 20 percent but my grocery bill has gone up about 50% in the last couple weeks. Jesus christ, shit's expensive!
  14. Man card revoked Had to google that. 100% agreed.
  15. You got tha MACS? Gun too? On a totally unrelated note, when are you back in Denver (with M16 in tow)?
  16. The Mist is pretty great. 7 overall butt fucking killer ending. Can't really go wrong with Marky Mark. Also, I vote for Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch for your 90s series of music debates starting next week. Feel it feel it!
  17. Jus take a picture on your phone with your user name written on a piece of paper. You don't need all that fancy shit. Everdrives/PowerPaks are welcome on the honor system. Just don't use the genie or turbo controllers and you're good. Also, always go for two!
  18. C'mon @Estil! I know you got an Everdrive. Get in here and play some futbol! You know you wanna.
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