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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Excellent write up. UXO is a blast. Looking forward to more.
  2. My best photos were probably landscapes. Which is a little odd, because my best drawings are portraits. I'll see if I can hunt any down. I don't think i have much left though.
  3. Been listening to the peppers a lot lately. Gonna have to bump em up to at least an 8. Make it 9. Got laid for the first time to this song.
  4. Sorry pup. I guess it's not against the rules. Still, I like to be surprised by stuff like this. That's half the fun. Of course, I realize that the contents will continue to change but I was under the assumption that we post pics just of what we took. Glad to see the train rolling out!
  5. Very cool. Used to do tons of b/w photography back in hs and college. Developed my own film and printed my own pictures. I really miss the process but it's also a pain in the ass. Now that everyone has a camera in their pocket, "photography" is too damn cheap and easy.
  6. Fight Night is better than Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, *insert your favorite fighting game here*, etc.
  7. Applying for the Brew Crew. I beta tested Larry, Spook-o-tron, and Rollie. Not too sure how many homebrew I've collected. I'll grab a pic later.
  8. I know. I've seen some nasty ass money too. I never really cared til recently.
  9. As a person that has taken money/cards as part of my job, I have some stories. Wanna hear them? If so, @SuperJimtendo and @JamesRobot probably have some similar stories as me. We would be happy to share. I'm a licker. Been hell trying not to lick my fingers to count money.
  10. Yeah! Plus!There was that one time when April winked at me.
  11. Shredder and I have a similar taste in women. April O'Neil.
  12. Super Mario World was the last good Mario game. And it's not as good as any of the original Super trilogy games.
  13. That price is crazy too. ¥13,200 is like $120. Not gonna bite on that.
  14. @Zezzler 's OG thread on NA: https://connect.gocollect.com/discussion/179163/homebrew-new-famicom-homebrew-astro-ninja-man/p1
  15. Son of a bitch! I need that.
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