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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. 10 Genre Defining I have a warm amber colored recollection of seeing a spot on Entertainment Tonight in the 80s about this new visually arresting but "ultra violent" animated movie from overseas and they showed an utterly all too brief sequence of light trailing motorcycles tearing up the streets. I knew I would never get to see this elusive masterpiece since it came all the way from Japan and there would be no way my parents would let me watch an "ultra violent" cartoon even if it made it to a farm town in the midwest. I didn't even catch the name of the movie. That was the first and last I had heard of such a thing until my freshman year of high school. Fast forward six or seven years; I am spending the night at a buddy's house and I come across a Maxwell VHS tape with AKIRA written on the side in red magic marker. Wtf was this? Was this the long lost movie which I merely caught a fleeting glimpse of in the late 80s that I didn't even know the name of?! Couldn't be. Holy. Fuckin. Shit. So cool and strange and violent in all the right ways. I watched it last night because of this thread. I've read all of the comics. I was about to listen to the soundtrack today too but my CD is missing. For the record, the original English dub from '88 is the superior version of the film. Enjoy.
  2. I feel you should be able to score about 100k per world. I am sure there are more points than that to be had but that's about where my scores are coming in at.
  3. The guy's a business man. I don't know about any other business men here, but when I am with my team, we chat about things and then brainstorm ideas. He's brainstorming ideas, whether they are possible or not, that would be for the doctors and scientists to determine. When you are the president you don't brainstorm dumb ideas during a daily press conference that is being watched around the world... And as a businessman he should know better, since a CEO would be a total idiot to brainstorm ideas during any public event, as well.
  4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't played it. Simply amazing. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. That's all for now...
  5. Only be waiting another 20 years or so...
  6. Not gonna be me. I can't crack 180 again to save my life.
  7. Alien was fantastic, of course. I am def watching Natural Born Killers tonight.
  8. I source my Folgers, Maxwell House, or K Cups from King Soopers, brew that shit till it's hot, and drink it black. I also really dig Starbucks blonde roasts. In particular their espresso. Pretty fuckin tasty. I prefer light roast in general, really. I never buy the dark roasts for myself. Also can't stand iced coffee. Nasty!
  9. Halloween is def the best but there's a bunch of greats. Plus that PJ Soles... yow wow! Least favorites that I've seen is probably Dark Star. Not sure what I was expecting but that was not it.
  10. 9 for the first viewing. Going in, I knew nothing about the movie and it knocked my socks off. 7 for subsequent viewings. It's still pretty great but the slow pacing kills it. So round it out to an 8.
  11. It's not too bad. Really don't dig the Zapp gun tho. And my attempt to mod a Zapper with the Zapp guts failed miserably.
  12. Another convert here. AVS on the 60". It's beautiful, really. Still wish I had a 19" tube from time to time for zapper and proper nostalgia. Not gonna happen tho.
  13. God damn, Sigourney Weaver is hot.
  14. What's wrong with Oliver Stone? Watched Conan the Barbarian the other night and it was glorious.
  15. Quick! I need your help! Tell me which movie to watch right now and why. Thanks!
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