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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Nabbed! Good looking out! Now, would anyone like to give up their copy of 2018?
  2. Tha funk in yo face is what made em great. Blood Sugar Sex Magik is an essential album. Sir Psycho Sexy that is me!
  3. I love Chili Peppers up through One Hot Minute but they haven't been funky since 1995. Everything after that is pretty meh. So I'd say it all averages out to about a 7. If you asked me when I was I high school I probably would have given them a 9.
  4. Another one from @Tabonga. It's pretty rough for Heinlein. He came a long way, baby. Definitely interested in that Tunnel in the Sky. I've come across it a couple times but always chose other books over that ine.
  5. First tape I had was Ritchie Valens. Listened to the CD a couple weeks ago. First tape I copied was the Cocktail soundtrack. I believe that was my pop's first CD.
  6. FWIW, I'm the only one who doesn't go in for those fruity cucumber sour frappuccino wine coolers or whatever the fuck they are. So Reed be right at home.
  7. My biggest let down ever. How you gonna hype Mega Man like this and not deliver?
  8. Mad skills. Thank you for sharing all of this. I enjoy seeing the process. Sooo, we'll plan the Kickstarter for next weekend and a release by Halloween? Great!
  9. Good old Millipede. The classic game of- Holy shit! KICKLE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
  10. Thas how I search for everything I buy for my collection. I ain't no noob. I'm TWATA HA certified bitchez. I don't want it unless it's R@RE OOP LK!!!!!1!!1!
  11. Fuck yeah. Duran Duran is the shit. Notorious! Also, Duran Duran is my vote for the next music debate.
  12. 7 I like it. I'll watch pretty much any movie about... Why is this an emu/goth movie? Never really struck me that way. Speaking of emo, my suggestion for next week is Better Off Dead.
  13. Just download Candy Crush or some crap on her phone.
  14. Can't believe I'm giving these guys a 5. I pretty much wanna be them. Might even consider a 6 if a hot southern chick wanted to take me to a show. I know it's terrible but I can't help myself. I'd listen to them and Nickelback on shuffle all day if I still worked at the record store.
  15. I got 2 meters in my car. Speedometer measures MPH and a tachometer measures RPM.
  16. I cooked a chocolate Cherry Coke Zero float for dinner tonight. Fuckin delicious.
  17. Bandit mask til I can score a proper N95.
  18. This is my very favorite section of music in Echoes.
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