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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. I am looking for the homebrew contest thread in the Site-run Events and Contests forum but there is no way to navigate to additional pages. Can we get some buttons over there please?
  2. Can't get enough of that new Funkadelic. Tha beat's so sweet like booty meat.
  3. I'm at Woody's about once a week for lunch. Haven't been to Amici's but I frequently drive by. I live in between Golden and Applewood just down the road from you. Hit me up and I'll buy you a beer. Have you been to the Rock Rest Lodge? Really interesting place. If you haven't been there , the King Buffet at 53rd and Wadsworth is most excellent. It has only been open for a couple of months The Yummy Yummy Super Buffet on 44th and Wadsworth is pretty good too. What is your work schedule like - maybe we could do lunch together. Go to the Rock Rest more during the summer; stop in on the motorbike. I work in downtown Golden and grab lunch around 11 or 12. I'm on short lunch next week but week after would be good. Maybe Monday or Friday.
  4. I'm at Woody's about once a week for lunch. Haven't been to Amici's but I frequently drive by. I live in between Golden and Applewood just down the road from you. Hit me up and I'll buy you a beer.
  5. Embed your face within the crotchial region of @Richardhead Sorry, ya moms already got that position filled. You'll hafta take care of Little Richard.
  6. Embed that shit yo! Ain't nobody clicks on links!
  7. Wouldn't be complete without Bob and Doug's 12 days of Christmas!
  8. Regardless of political slant either way, Greta herself is apolitical. No party or politician should lay claim to her message nor blame her for a political stance. Although, if she is truly passionate, she should go back to school to learn the actual science piece to research and collaborate with like minds in search of solutions. Or maybe she should work to enter the political arena when she is age of majority to affect policy change and drive her agenda.
  9. Always loved the bonus map in SMB 3 world 2 to get the third whistle.
  10. Don't you tell him how to greet(s) the forum! He's been at it forever. Can't stop now!
  11. I've read a bunch but am always on the look out for more. Really the only fiction genre I read anymore. I used to work at a bookstore and would grab em by the bagful as they moved to the cheap shelf. Even the bad to mediocre are pretty enjoyable. I'd consider any suggestions you have.
  12. Welcome back from a fellow Coloradan! Coloradoan? Coloradite? Thanks for the back story. You were missed after your departure from NA and I always enjoyed your posts and insight. I was actually wondering who the Wandering Tellurian might be... Did a quick check on your namesake and 60s era pulp scifi is right up my alley. Will see if I can hunt down a paperback.
  13. There is no console name greater then the Xbone and there never will be.
  14. Welcome aboard and best of luck with your projects!
  15. Baby, you don't have to live like a refugee
  16. 7. His best stuff is dope as fuck but he's def got a few shitty songs. Still listen to him on the regular. I also hear he's not really dead...
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