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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Really enjoyed the first one and its intentional glitchiness. I think I got stuck at some point and never finished it. Better get back after it.
  2. Pretty cool. Reminds me of micro machines. Would love to see a sequel with a little more to it.
  3. Bonus! I just figured out how to do a quote train! VIVA QUOTE TRAINS!
  4. I thought he made an account, but not sure he posted anything. I thought Adam was the only holdout and I guess he's a free agent after he posted over there that he was done with them. So you're saying there's a chance! @Paul Baby come back! You can blame it all on me.
  5. I know. They're geniuses and all the while I feel like a sucker for even considering it. Not going to happen this year though. I am done shopping! Tell 'em, "Sharing is caring!"
  6. Nice. Was legit contemplating getting another Switch after a decent car trip yesterday with two kids and only one Switch. "Dad! He's not sharing!" "It's still my turn! I didn't die all my guys yet!"
  7. Love SMB 2. Mario and Toad are best. I only use peach for 5-1 and some time world 4 if I'm feeling lazy. Luigi sucks it. His jumps are to damn loose and floaty. Also, Mouser is one of the best bosses af all time. A badass bomb throwing mouse with cool shades and plenty of 80s attitude. I made a t-shirt a while back...
  8. It's a toss up among the original Super Mario Bros. trilogy on Nintendo depending on my mood. Honorable mentions to Mario Bros., Super Mario World, and Mario Kart. Everything after Super Nintendo sucks other than the Kart series.
  9. Still got my childhood Nintendo and most of my original games. Still running strong, though I play on the AVS these days.
  10. Way ahead of you. Def love the entire series. Some of my favorites. But it's like @DefaultGen said...
  11. Is the answer Mega Man 2? It's Mega Man 2, isn't it? It is. It's Mega Man 2. Mega Man 2 fer sure.
  12. Welcome to the community! Do you have any memorabilia from your time at the game store?
  13. Dr. Mario. He's always throwing the wrong pills at me. As a matter of fact, l don't believe that man's ever been to medical school.
  14. Love my SN30 PRO GB. Way better than the Switch pro.
  15. NA circa 2014 was the GOAT! Love VGS though. Toughest of the infants no doubt.
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