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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Staved off the dysentery during the migration I see. Welcome.
  2. That's awesome but what happened to that remote reset button you rigged? I really want one of those...
  3. Glad you found the new place ok. Welcome aboard.
  4. Yep. Picked up the controller too. As well as the complete Half Life and Portal. Under $25 (shipping included) for the whole shebang.
  5. Glad to see you didn't die of dysentery during the arduous migration. Welcome to the new frontier!
  6. 3 or 4. Definitely less than a few songs that I like. I'll go 4 for the KWS collab.
  7. Yeah I noticed it last night and didn't watch it because of the run time. Maybe get started on it this weekend.
  8. Goddamn medusa heads! Always knocking me back into a pit or attacking when I'm stuck on some stairs.
  9. Picked up the complete Half Life and Portal bundles for under 8 bucks total. Bit on the Steam controller too.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm stuffed and looking forward to more!
  11. Might have to replay... Then again, I'd probably just set myself up for a let down again. Ah what the hell!
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