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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Fuck yeah. Some of my all-time favorites right there. I wish I could hook my Atari up to my TV.
  2. Oh shit! Stay off the sidewalks in Denver. Also, put on some god damn pants!
  3. Get back inside! You don't want to risk your life for the magic of the season on your snow day. Let it gooooo...
  4. Took forever to get a run where I could complete all the races. Still didn't place on track 5. Fuck that blue guy!
  5. It's the community that makes these forums what they are. I can't say this is better, because NintendoAge really introduced me to some great friends and facilitated some great interactions. So not better, but certainly a breath of fresh air. NA was home. Fortunately, thanks to the team and goodwill of the community, we still have a home.
  6. 6:50:61 7:03:55 Stage 1: 00:54:76 Stage 1: 01:03:66 Stage 2: 01:03:13 Stage 3: 01:07:82 Stage 4: 01:23:63 Stage 5: 01:17:61
  7. Yeah pretty darn great, though I haven't played em in years. Have you played the Portal games? Top notch to be sure.
  8. Man. You guys are bringing me down. I know the truth but I don't want to admit it. Still, the trailer looks pretty rad. Maybe one day...
  9. Welcome back into the fold, NEET. Really looking forward to Xmas 2019 but I won't get to play til at least Christmas.
  10. Thas dope as fuck. Gorgeous. Right up my alley.
  11. Japanese homebrew caravan shoot em up. 2 and 5 minute challenge. Slap this ROM on a PowerPak/Everdrive and get to work. Here's the original dev site: http://hlc6502.web.fc2.com/Bbuster.htm Enjoy! BB_20120301.zip
  12. Finally! Half Life: Episode 3 Alyx. Wait, what? Apparently not the conclusion to the series and it's exclusive to the SteamVR platform? Seriously went from 100 to "meh" in two seconds flat upon reading the details. More details will be forth coming in the next couple weeks. As much as I want to play a new Half Life installment, I have virtually (pun intended) no interest in purchasing virtual reality hardware to experience it. VR is merely just OK in my book, and as cool as it sounds, I'm always pretty let down by the overall presentation. Anybody with Oculus or HTC gear excited for this? Can I come over and check it out if you get it?
  13. @Richardhead's cat, Mr. Pickles celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
  14. Yeah I can get through the first 3 tracks no problem. 4 is harder but I can manage to place. Track 5 is giving me trouble though. Haven't played Excitebike seriously for a few years and I'm pretty rusty.
  15. You had to request them in the NA Awards thread. @Gloves and @MrWunderful were pretty damn consistent at giving them out. https://connect.gocollect.com/discussion/163703/awards-nintendoage-awards-new-updated-list/p1
  16. I had 9 badges by the end of it all and only one was for collecting. But there were a bunch of badges for events, gaming, and community contributions including a couple that you specifically mentioned. Community Artist Award Community Writers Award Game Contest Participant SNES Contest Participant
  17. I would consider '85 to '97 more Silver Age. I would put the Golden Age from late 70s to '83 when arcade games really hit big. Space Invaders, Asteroids, Tempest, Pac-Man. Don't forget the coin shortage in Japan due to the immense popularity of the Space Invaders arcade cabinets. And then Atari really bringing video games into the home. The crash of '83 would signify the end of the Golden Age. The Nintendo Entertainment System is the catalyst of the Silver Age, bringing the resurgence in popularity, consumer confidence, and a continued profitability of the medium that has not subsided since. Similar to the Comics Code standard marking the beginning of the Silver Age of comics, Nintendo really instigates quality control in the industry with their seal of quality. Not that it's the be-all-end-all for quality, we all know there are some weak titles among the NES library, but the industry takes note and quality control becomes the standard, particularly for first party and AAA titles. Of course, the continuing issue of shovelware perpetuates in the DS/Wii era and beyond, and really takes over casual and phone gaming, but that is well beyond the Silver Age. I would say quality control really takes a dive near the end of the PS3/XB360 era as concern for rushing games to market and monetization/microtransactions starts to takes precedence. Few publishers care about a finished product, if games can just be patched with massive updates and consumers will spend real world money on in-game currency, skins, weapons, DLC, or whatever.
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