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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Since this is coming from a gaming perspective ("must play" titles), there's no reason to not just drop the whole lot and get a PowerPak/Everdrive instead. As you said, you're a hardware guy. No need to waste the extra space on tapes.
  2. You earned it @Nintegageo. You are hereby required to add it to your sig.
  3. Tree and lights go up the weekend after Thanksgiving. I start listening to Christmas music a couple weeks after that.
  4. Finally got a list together! Can't wait to see who I get.
  5. Hello DorkOverlord. That's quite the scope for collecting. I would love to collect for MS-DOS but I don't have the room to start up (and I don't have any of my old gear.) Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard. That Virtual Girl is dope! What's the scoop on that?
  7. A little premature don't you think? Kickle tells me that you always come first. Poor little fella.
  8. One run at a time. So you would add 20 minutes each for tracks 4 and 5.
  9. I assume we throw away the time for the first qualifying race?
  10. Nice! Thanks fox. Love this show. Man, I had the complete first few series of turtles. Always kicked myself for selling that shit.
  11. I'm having a hard time with my list. I don't know what I want!
  12. Good to see you. Funny thing, my son is also named Bort.
  13. Hello Nate! Are you currently developing for any particular system?
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