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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Ah, a man of taste. Glad to see they went the Haim portrait for the spine on that one.
  2. This thread has a lot of appeal.
  3. @Richardhead with his former man crush and noted Canadien @jerbilly 2.0 FKA Toxie.
  4. Naps rule. To fight off grogginess, slam a cup of coffee right before you hit the pillow. The caffeine takes ~15 minutes or so to run its course, and you will awake feeling refreshed. I actually find that kinda hard to do. I prefer a cuppa just after I wake up.
  5. Nope. Piipii had me by a whole 15 seconds. I gotta get better with the skateboard.
  6. The irony of the tapewam critiquing etiquette is not lost on me.
  7. I also try to go for the low float almost every time. Dip that toe below the floor!
  8. 23.43. no death no ecans. Updated page 3. Great job @PII.
  9. Yeah, layout isn't quite perfect on the Airflo. But no other controller keeps your hands cool and dry during intense sessions of Backyard Wrestling or Fight Night with constant airflow from its integrated fan. Ah, so refreshing. 🌬
  10. But Contra has Arnold Schwarzenegger and he's a robot. From the future!
  11. Also, why is your purple ganon site back up but not VGS proper? I still gotta go through VGSs. Better retake that driver's license test!
  12. Can we ban these punk ass kids please, @Gloves? They don't know what the fuck they's talkin aboot. Really, they just draggin the whole VGS name through the gutter. Who let this punk bitch in anyways. Amiright?!
  13. The absolute BEST MM music is MM3's password entry screen. Fuck tha world!
  14. For MM2, Flashman stage music is da best BTWs. Also fuck tha remix shit.
  15. Score updated: 26.14 I'd really like to get sub 25 min but IDK if I can do it.
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