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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. So I have to do this hybrid claw/standard grip playing Mega Man X and it drives me crazy. But there's no other way to do the dash wall jump while charging the buster.
  2. Concave for NES and arcade. Convex for all others including Super Nintendo. Super Famicom controllers were superior to SNES.
  3. Just finished Dark Force Rising. It delivers on most everything I wanted in the first book and especially with the development of Mara, C'baoth and the Noghri. Plenty of action too but still no lightsaber fights. Luke had better get on it in book 3.
  4. Fuck yeah. I was gonna go grab my Lordz CD for the car tomorrow but I apparently don't have it anymore.
  5. Isn't Castlevania world just Transylvania?
  6. Only my wife and you guys know what a true nerd I am. If gaming ever comes up in conversation at work, people are always surprised when I tell em I play Nintendo. "Oh I have a Switch. Do you play Smash or Mario Kart?" "No but my kids do. I play original Nintendo." "Like Nintendo 64 or Super Nintendo?" "No, like 8 bit." "Oh. Wow. Like, original original." Yeeeeah. And that's usually where it ends.
  7. It was weird. This was the only instance and it never occurred again. That same year, my dad dropped me and a carload of friends off at the theater to see Natural Born Killers. Go figure.
  8. It was 1993 and the hype surrounding Mortal Kombat and its M rating from the new ESRB was at a fever pitch. Thank god I had a Genesis so I wouldn't have to play the shitty censored version on the Super Nintendo. Surely, I could harass my parents for a copy for Christmas. DISASTER! All of the bad PR and fear mongering propaganda had gotten to my parents. Not only, would I not be getting Mortal Kombat for Christmas, my dad expressly forbade me from ever owning a copy Mortal Kombat! Now, I'm sure parents guarding access to media was fairly common for some of you but this was the very first time my parents had invoked any kind of censorship on me. At this point I owned a few parental advisory CDs and had been consuming a steady diet of action and horror movies for a number of years. So this kind of came as a shock to me. Sure MK was violent but it paled in comparison to the gore I was already desensitized to. My parents were clearly brainwashed by the news media. Fine. I'd just buy my own copy and hide it from my parents. I had a little cash so I opted for a Game Boy cart. The absolute shittiest version of MK. But it was cheap and easy to conceal. I could just throw away the box and its contents and nobody was the wiser. Then inspiration struck sometime in '94. Yadda yadda yadda... Now I had my very own Genesis copy along with the guide including all the fatalities to boot. I just played downstairs later at night when my parents were pretty much going to bed and I would hide the game in its case behind all of my other Genesis games. But I got sloppy and started leaving the game in the deck. Then end of month came and my dad pulled me aside. "Where did you get this?" Dad asks while brandishing my Genesis MK at me. "Um... the mall?" "You know you're not allowed to play this game, right?!" Still threatening me with the cart. "Yeah but-" "And where did you get the money to buy it?!" Fuck! Busted! I'm only 14 or 15 here so I don't have a job and my own money yet. "Uh..." Yeah, my brilliant plan was to steal a check from the back of the checkbook in mom's purse and pay myself $70. Complete with a forged signature (my Mom's of course, Dad's was harder to forge). After dishing out a fierce grounding, Dad immediately drove me to the Villa Italia Mall to return my ill-gotten booty. Lucky for me, the clerk didn't even bat an eye when I told him I wasn't allowed to have the game. Full refund. The Game Boy cart survived the ordeal though and was never discovered. I ended up trading it and a bunch of other GB stuff for some Nintendo carts and CIBs a couple years ago.
  9. Walnuts are tops then pecans. Pecan pie is the shit!
  10. Also backed Guntner but at the hand built cart tier. I actually really like the idea of a glove upgrade. It should be something fairly simple because the ship sprite is fairly small and it suits the overall theme. I've always been partial to the option upgrade myself rather than an additional ship. Maybe a little glove that follows you around like a finger gun. Something like this.
  11. You had me at text adventure. I'm in.
  12. Haha. Yeah that was here during the Weekly Contest two seasons back. I got a charm for it too.
  13. I just pick up retro stuff on a whim as I see it at the local shop or on VGS. I will, on a rare occasion, go to ebay if I gotta have it and I can't find it here or local. Couldn't find a CIB Videomation to save my life except on ebay.
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