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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Just came across this in my feed. CIB is already sold out.
  2. I don't think I came across the term toaster till I was on NA. I distinctly remember wondering wtf a toaster was.
  3. It's a Nintendo. It will always be Nintendo. Same for Super Nintendo. No one even refers to Nintendo for all subsequent consoles. Gameboy, Virtual Boy, 64, GBA, Dreamcube, DS, 3DS, Wii, WiiU, Switch. Sure, they're all made by Nintendo. But none of them are a Nintendo.
  4. Well we're a little more progressive here than in California.
  5. Pretty sure you'd have to go with a people steak. Medium rare. And I'd like to pick out my own person like you do at Red Lobster. I mean while we're at it, might as well have the veal people steak. Oh! And some of those cheesey biscuits like at Red Lobster.
  6. I got all of mine from @Richardhead and @WalterWhiteJr. Thanks guys!
  7. It's pretty much a DOOMvania clone. In space.
  8. To me, I understood MSX was a Microsoft product.
  9. Those are the two scenes I mention everytime someone says they don't like Jason in space. Def my two favorite kills of the franchise. And they re-use the sleeping bag kill in the 2009 reboot. Edit: Got that wrong. The sleeping bag kill is an update from part VII. The 2009 kill he sets her in the campfire while trapped in the sleeping bag.
  10. I memba those Pizza Hut balls!
  11. They're all pretty great with 4 and 5 being the best followed by X. I'm a sucker for "In Space" movies. Jason, Leprechaun, Hellraiser... are there any others? And how the hell did Freddy and Chucky not go into space yet? Probably too late on both counts. That genre is long dead.
  12. I'm in the Never played it, never will category for pretty much anything Gamecube. I was on the Sony bandwagon during this era. Maybe a passing interest but I'm not going out of my way to play it.
  13. Alright! Who is this Jason cat? And what have you done with @Nostalgic Machine?!
  14. I def enjoyed and I'm about to start book 2. However, Heir to the Empire is not without its flaws. First the good. The veteran characters are very true to their onscreen counterparts and easy to envision. Their rapport and banter is spot on. They feel very familiar with just a hint of nostalgia for the original trilogy. The new character personalities are also well written. The interactions between Thrawn and Pellaeon are particularly well done with the latter's mixed emotions of anxiety of old Empire protocol and cautious relief with the new way. Thrawn is still just as ruthless as the old guard but has the mind to consider all angles and others' viewpoints. Mara and Kaarde were also great introductions to the universe. Maria's "mysterious" backstory and hatred for Luke was intriguing but maybe a little thin. No serious development of her past but that's on par for Star Wars in general. The plot has some issues with contrivances. A little too much coincidence with Thrawn and company just "showing up" wherever our heroes happened to land. One can argue it away as "machinations of the force," but it taxed my suspension of disbelief a little more than I liked. But the overall setup for the final battle had a decent air of mystery which culminated in a nice reveal of Thrawn's purpose. C'Baoth wasn't used enough and also has some underdeveloped backstory but I expect him to see more action in the follow up books. I really enjoyed Leia and Chewie's Kashyyk adventure with the relentless Noghiri in pursuit. The Vader connection is pretty intriguing and seems like a good setup for the next book. Heir does fall into the trap so many serial novels experience where it's not a complete story in and of itself. I realize it's part of a trilogy but it leaves too many unanswered questions setting everything up for the next two acts. I think that's part of the genius of the original trilogy even if A New Hope was written as its own story without the necessity of a sequel. Still, super enjoyable despite its flaws. I wish I would have read this series years ago. I'm sure much of my criticism wouldn't have been an issue. Zahn did a great job overall. High adventure, space battles, new characters that fit well within the universe, and expansion of locales and lore. Still could have used a proper light saber fight though.
  15. Doritos bacon sounds amazing.
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