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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. You with the assteroids and your crabs! Get that shit outta here. This is the Dorritos thread.
  2. Nabbed some minis the other day. Just like the real thing only smaller.
  3. That's concentrated nacho cheese powder. I found a smaller one once in a bag and ate it. Fucking intense!
  4. Yup! Here's a link to the demo. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pxmsxd9qls3upv/SpookotronDemo1.1.nes?dl=0
  5. Oh! We should play Spook-o-tron or possibly the demo. Double fisted action Smash TV style. That's my recommendation if you'd consider a homebrew this season.
  6. 1. You had your wish last year. And B. We've only done one homebrew contest here and that was the 2020 season. You can suck it up for one week.
  7. You can go ahead and call me MegaMan_Friend1979.
  8. Shoulda bought it when I had the shot at $75. I just can't look at em like investments because I'll never sell em off.
  9. Glad to see you back into grey plastic square collecting. BT & DD has been an elusive one for me.
  10. Damn, brother. Much love to you and your family.
  11. No dice. Sivak doesn't have a website as far as I know. Pretty sure the rom is pretty ubiquitous online but I wouldn't want to go that rout without explicit consent for tournament use. Some other homebrew would be good. Bladebuster! Freely available from the source here.
  12. I was just thinking about this and I think a furthest progression might work for any mode. Or on the bonus levels. BUT, the Battle Kids have been discontinued on retroUSB. Looks like there's no way to purchase either one right now. And they're going for a pretty penny on the ebays.
  13. Holy shit. Crackin my ass up here at work. Can we get a whole series of decrepit game mascots please?
  14. Unfortunately, this straight up happens. But I've had nothing but great experiences with the regulars. The following reply is from a recent inquiry about 4 or 5 different games from the same seller. One was on hold for someone offline. Radio silence ever since.
  15. I probably played about a third of the game in total. But I did beat Wily in one go. Abusing the Double Gear of course. I'll call it a win.
  16. Finally beat a Switch game! Mega Man 11. I couldn't have done it without my kid. I really hate the Double Gear system. It feels like cheating and I'm apparently not good enough to just not use it. Oh, and I'm not starting all over for the 2022 thread. Too much of a hassle.
  17. I am more of a flaky buyer. I'm always kicking tires. And this is the reason why. I have no real concept of current value. I did the bulk of my collecting in the late 90s and early oughts. "Ooh. I don't know... $35 is pretty spendy for that Mega Man 5. Can you knock it down a couple bucks?"
  18. If you beat the original Metroid in under 35 minutes you get the best ending with topless Samus. Totally been proven. My uncle worked for Nintendo of America.
  19. Paul Bros, Billy Mitchell, WATA, [insert your most hated celebrity here]. What can I say? I love a good badguy.
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