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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. This episode is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm more a fan of the Paul bros illustrious boxing careers.
  2. Aw man, thanks for keeping it rolling @TDIRunner. Love the LoZ car. I think our derby days are done. My son is a Boy Scout now. I don't think they do the PWD. I'd love to join an adult circuit. I don't think there's any local to me though.
  3. This is brilliant and I love you for it. And it'll never happen.
  4. I'll give it that my favorites are typically a balance of both. Megamans for sure gotta have both. And the Wily castle is like a series of boss levels if that makes sense.
  5. Wtf is a feature phone. Lol. And how the hell are you gonna VGS? It's like we both speak the same language but I can't comprehend.
  6. I think I can go ahead put Katamari down for a 10. It's one of the first games that come to mind when I think of the P2. Katamari is of its own genre (you know, the roll stuff up in a ball genre) and completely unique. Originality aside, it is the epitome of what a good video game should be: unique gameplay that is easy to learn but challenging to master, simple yet relatable characters, intriguing (and absurd) plot with plenty of humor, and levels that increase in size and challenge from the diminutive to a near inconceivable scope. The sense of accomplishment is satisfying right from the get go and continues to reward the player to a ludicrous ending. I've played all of the series and would probably go with We ❤ Katamari or Beautiful Katamari as the best of the bunch. But my favorite level is the "8 bit" 2D level at the end of Me & My Katamari on the PSP.
  7. Ah, so not the Nine Inch Nails Perfect Drug doppelgangers. Gotcha. Gonna have to give it another go.
  8. I get this and Lost Highway mixed up. Been meaning to go back and watch but haven't seen either in years.
  9. One of the missing persons was found as of an hour ago. 2 remain.
  10. I actually think your argument is sound. I initially gave you the agreement emoji and really enjoy good balance. But after thinking about it, I don't really need both. There are a bunch of games that are pretty much level driven only and I like them quite a bit. Racing games come to mind as a genre example. Then you have a few games that are all boss and no level. Usually fighting games. I think of Mike Tyson's Punch Out as a specific example. Supremely entertaining. Trying to think other examples without being tied to genre, I came up with Shadow of the Colossus. Each boss, a level in itself.
  11. Profitability is best maximized in three short phases. The sky's the limit, if you are willing to put in the work. Phase 1. Collect underpants Phase 2. ? Phase 3. Profit!
  12. Just heard an update on the radio. Mandatory evacuations in Boulder, Louisville, and Superior. 1600 acre fire and 500 homes lost so far. Firefighters have pulled out and are unable to fight due to the high winds. Likely the worst fire in state history.
  13. Putting my vote in for Star Wars again. I didn't get to read it yet. Matter of fact I just ordered the trilogy. Should be here tomorrow or maybe early next week.
  14. Dude, it is crazy out here. Rocky Flats reported 116 mph gusts. Boulder is on fire. Here's a long shot looking north from my work. I had to go to the Discount Tire near me after work. The roof was blown off and the building collapsed. Lord I hope they were able to evacuate.
  15. Memba the 6 legged turkeys every Thanksgiving? I miss those every year.
  16. Meh. I saw it but apparently it's fairly forgettable.
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