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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. New? That shits more than 30 years old. It's fucking ancient!
  2. Dang I was just wondering if he was still kickin. RIP.
  3. Dude, it's rad. It's in the name. Rad Racer. Legit beat it for a weekly contest while I had some limited alone time and the fam walked in just as I was getting ready to take my picture and I missed it with no time to replay later. Moral of the story: don't have kids, kids.
  4. All good! I was gonna wait to the last minute of course and reveal the trick. I totally just stumbled upon it. It's super easy btw. For those that want to know:
  5. My 13k is legit. But kind of a fluke. Dude I suck at Study Hall.
  6. Well I guess the jig is up. I don't even know what to do at this point. 1,007,980
  7. I'm guessing @WhyNotZoidberg and @spacepup for Santa and Bender.
  8. Bingo! You're welcome of course. The Hylian runes tell a story if you translate them. Unfortunately, I had a little trouble with the images transferring a little bit of it may have been lost but I think you could get most of it. Here's a quick vid opening the box for anyone who's interested. Merry Christmas!
  9. Thank you, @WalterWhiteJr.! Got this kickass Air Fortresses CIB and a bunch of surprises. Including a case of fuggin Dunkaroos! What! I didn't even know those were still a thing. I'ma introduce the kids to those. Merry Christmas!
  10. Tryin to get some Christmas cookie breakfast and woke up to this huge fucking mess. Thanks, Skippy.
  11. You're gonna have to start a new game.
  12. The internet tank was on E and Gloves couldn't go down to the station to top it off because he didn't remember where he put his driver's license. At least I'm pretty sure that's the way the internet works.
  13. Hilarious. Easy holiday 10. Ranks right up there with Christmas Vacation and the Die Hards.
  14. And another thing! I don't appreciate your lack of confidence in my skillz. I'll show you! I'll show you all!
  15. I said I'm gonna crack a million. It's clearly possible according to the scoreboard.
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