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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Score updated. Just so you guys know, I'm winning this contest so you might as well give up now.
  2. Pretty much everyone agrees. Objectively the worst. And not at all because I suck at it and can't play it to save my life. It's clearly broken. Tunes are good though. I'll give it that.
  3. How do you not have valid ID? And how does a legal requirement just get waived for your lazy ass? Canadiens. Gloves goes to catch a flight. Security: Please have your ID ready. Gloves: Sorry, I am lacking. Security: Oh, it's cool. We'll just waive the requirement. Carry on. Good day, eh!
  4. The worst that you are aware of. Just as @NostalgicMachine mentioned. Wait. There's two of you? @NostalgicMachine or @Nostalgic Machine. I feel like we need a face off. Highlander style. There can be only one!
  5. See. Estil agrees. Dr. Mario is the worst. Objectively, of course.
  6. ET rulz! Like so many games of the era, you gotta read the manual to know what to do.
  7. Not gonna lie, that sounds nasty. But intriguing enough to try.
  8. Alright which one of you guys sold this off? (And which one of you bought it?) Apparently was originally sold on NintendoAge back in tha day. Great nab at a great price in my opinion. Wish I would pay more attention to this kind of stuff. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/12/random-an-unused-alternate-version-of-mega-man-3s-box-art-has-sold-on-ebay
  9. Gotta agree with Tulpa that shmup is the overall category. Space Invaders is widely regarded as the first shmup. Galaxian and Galaga are certainly shmups and though it is merely the background which scrolls, these are the prototypes of the scrolling shmup subgenre at least on a rudimentary level. Later more complex games introduce the player to backround interaction via bombing enemies (Xevious) and scrolling forground enemies and obstacles, of course. And speaking of prototypical shmups, I'd say that honor goes to Spacewar! Which is more a precursor to the Asteroids style multi-directional shmup. Another sub-genre pioneered by the original. Now moving on to my personal favorite shmup, Tempest. Which introduces us to yet another subgenre, the tube shooters. Really it's just Tempest and Gyruss but they pave the way to the 3D rail shmup genre including Space Harrier and Star Fox. And yes, Gyruss should be on the list of NES shmups.
  10. Weren't we calling them shrimps a couple years ago?
  11. Was hearing some Desmond Dekker the other day. A message for you Rudy
  12. Ugh! This is awful. But I can't stop. It's the worst two kinds of music stuck together. Screamo and showtunes. But the horror videos are cool in a shitty derivative way. It's like some terrible snack with a disgusting yet intriguing flavor that you just can't stop eating. Like weird Japanese potato chips or something. I hate to like it and love hating it. Straight pop garbage. Ew.
  13. Nope that's his brother. It's Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Feel it!
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