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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Aha! Thanks for the clarification. As I mentioned, I only use the charge as needed. Def hate it when you can't just pour bullets into the enemy.
  2. I'll let you sign my moobs if you ask real nice.
  3. So am I to assume there is some i-frame when charging/firing the buster? I'm confused as to why this was brought up.
  4. At no point, but those were the examples you gave to justify videogames as a sport. My argument is that all the spectacle, endorsements, celebrity, and humongous salaries are none of the things that constitute a sport. Objectively, a sport is an athletic endeavor showcasing the athlete's physical ability and endurance. Strength, speed, agility; these are the qualities on display in sports. Botton pushing is not a sport. The ability guzzle Monster to stay awake is not a display of physical prowess or endurance.
  5. So it's the spectacle that makes it a sport? By the same rationale, are pick up basketball games or amateur league softball not sports since it's just a bunch of people getting together to play a game? Is it only sport if it's on a professional level?
  6. Not trying to be a smartass. I genuinely want to know. What makes Counter Strike and League of Legends a sport? Is competitive Tetris a sport? How about that time I won $200 in a Tekken competition?
  7. Them freehand MM cakes are totally rad, Jeeves. I miss the character shape-cake fad of the 80s. Looks like that Donald Duck is probably one. Mom had a tin that doubled as a Batman/Superman. And my aunt had a whole wall of tinsel she hung in her kitchen. My favorite birthday cake ever was the Garfield one that had plastic eyes your set on the cake after it was frosted. Edit: Found it. Fell down an internet hole for a minute: Vintage Wilton character cake pans. Might be asking for this for my bday next year.
  8. 2 albums. And an EP! (Christmas album/ep. Of course!)
  9. She's pretty good and all but as far as American Idol goes, William Hung has her beat.
  10. Charging the buster is the worst mechanic for the series and the main reason why the OG trilogy is better than the back 3. I never use it unless I have to. 3 shots is the same damage and quicker to fire.
  11. 231645 if I'm ranking. If I need to play a game and have just an hour to play. I'll pop in MM2 every time.
  12. 6 is my favorite of the back half of the NES series. The Rush suits are a lot of fun and eliminate the redundancy of previous iterations.
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