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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Time's running out. Let's see them spinners! Also since nobody else has requested it, you can go ahead and send it back to me this year.
  2. Public urination makes you a sex offender in some states. That being said, I took a leak on a Target once and almost got into fight over it.
  3. OG Halloween is a 10. And I'm in love with PJ Soles.
  4. 10. Epitome of rock n roll. And they invented the rock opera. And covered Ann Margret in baked beans.
  5. Zanac over Gun-Nac? It's like I don't even know you.
  6. RobotReviews: Antlers Guillermo Del Toro's newest offering delivers the goods in this deeply disturbing genre flick. It definitely has Del Toro's stamp serving up delectably intense scares and gore in the events surrounding his real world damaged characters. No gimmicks with this one. Great tension supported by believable effects and solid acting, particularly from the child actor portraying the creepy main character, Lucas. Antlers comes in at a slim trim 100 minutes and character development may leave a little to be desired but the plot moves forward without suffering. It would be difficult describing the plot without giving too much away, just know that Del Toro gives a fantastic impression of foreboding without showing too much of the monster until the time is just right. I give it a 4/5 meat clevers. Must see for any fan of Del Toro or the genre in general.
  7. Finishing up a little um... decorating. Yeah. Could use a hand though.
  8. Not my favorites but it's fall and I drank it.
  9. Let's see them punkins. Not my best but turned out pretty good.
  10. Splatterhouse Wanpaku Graffiti completed.
  11. Mr. Bones is my favorite Halloween decoration. I'd like to get a full 6' skeleton and have him ride around on the back of the motorcycle.
  12. Holy shit! Glad you are out and hope you have a speedy recovery. Let's grab a bite when you're feeling better. Let me know if you need anything, brother. Oh yeah, $180k. $10k a day and 30k for each kidney.
  13. As a punk rocker in a previous life, I am obligated to like Misfits. My band played a couple shows with a Misfits tribute band called the Skulls. They were pretty fun. I don't really listen to em on my own but I'd go see em if the price was right. I'll bump em to a 6.
  14. So playthrough for Splatterhouse vs beating Luigi's Mansion. I don't need to beat Splatterhouse, then?
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