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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. I tried dammit! If I coulda just got that unlimited meat... I coulda been a contender!
  2. Finally hit a better score but I can't get my head around Pooyan. I can't hit any of the bonus stuff except the 12 shot at the beginning. It just won't click with me.
  3. May be my favorite toon feature of all time. Certainly the movie I've seen the most in the theater at 7 viewings. Fantastic animation from the pinnacle of the hand-drawn cel era and a technical marvel. It's damn fine noir cinema in its own right and an unofficial conclusion to (as well as a satire of) the Chinatown/Two Jakes story arc. Straight 10.
  4. Kinda between a 5 and 6. I don't really go out of my way but I'd see em live. Fun fact: My punk rock band played a show at a local bowling alley 15ish years ago and someone thought it would be funny to put Slayer on the flyer and poster. They were actually in town that week so it was plausible if not entirely improbable. Ended up being a really great show and a bunch of people showed up including some engry but good natured metal heads.
  5. I'm sucking hard at Pooyan. I'm not even sure how I got my first score. If anything I've gotten worse.
  6. Have we talked about Tool yet? Can I please get a link to the master list @Reed Rothchild?
  7. No, def not a great writer but I expected that going in. For what it is, I think he did a decent job building the side worlds. I'm half expecting a Lo Five spinoff. That and the book is in Parzival's voice so I can see why it may have been omitted. But yeah, definitely a missed opportunity.
  8. Thanks, mang! But I am sitting out this time too.
  9. Popular opinion: You don't even have to buy it to own it. Once it's available to pirate online, it becomes mine. By way of my actions. Arrr!
  10. That entire album is on my phone. I crack up every time a track comes on.
  11. Dang I missed this one. Probably an 8. Also how can you not have Sweating Bullets? Their biggest single I think. And I prefer the Beavis and Butthead version of 99 Ways to Die.
  12. 2005 is a great game though I haven't gone back to the PS2 in many years. But I still have it. Funfact: GoW 2 killed my launch PS2. It froze during the final boss battle and I could never get it to work after that. I immediately traded in half a dozen games or so to buy the Slim, fired it up and whooped up on Zeus. Very righteous and satisfying revenge. Haven't played 2018. Looks cool and all but I'm not going out of my way to get a PS4.
  13. 3DO PS2? Thas rad. Good looking out, xandy!
  14. JamesRobot


    Zelda II confirmed R@RE!!1!!1!1!1!!! OOP!! LK!!!1!
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