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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Fuckin in the Bushes is their best tune. I'd give em a 6 but wouldn't really care to see em live.
  2. How did I miss this one? 8 overall with the DX taking the prize for best version. I'd say it's a top 5 Zelda.
  3. DOOM is a straight 10. ID's perfected take on the Wolfenstein formula. 2016 I'd probably give a 6 per the rankings. But that's mostly my own bias. I really do want to play it more but haven't given it proper attention.
  4. Indeed, B is my issue. I def don't have the skills to replace the connector.
  5. I broke the clip on the ribbon connector for my R button on my PS Vita while I was replacing the screen. (That bitch is tiny!) Can I just solder the ribbon in place, or does it need a whole new connector on the board?
  6. Fucking love We Built This City. That song is a stand alone 10. I dig pretty much all of the iterations of the band and have a mild Grace Slick crush. But I haven't dug deep into the albums. I'll go 7 overall but they're probably better than that.
  7. Man I saw this was happening. Would like to have visited. Sad news. COVID nigh destroyed my local pinball house. Got lucky that a fan bought em out and is keeping it running.
  8. Fantastic hard scifi. HAL compells me to give it a 10.
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