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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. DOOM is a straight 10. ID's perfected take on the Wolfenstein formula. 2016 I'd probably give a 6 per the rankings. But that's mostly my own bias. I really do want to play it more but haven't given it proper attention.
  2. Indeed, B is my issue. I def don't have the skills to replace the connector.
  3. I broke the clip on the ribbon connector for my R button on my PS Vita while I was replacing the screen. (That bitch is tiny!) Can I just solder the ribbon in place, or does it need a whole new connector on the board?
  4. Fucking love We Built This City. That song is a stand alone 10. I dig pretty much all of the iterations of the band and have a mild Grace Slick crush. But I haven't dug deep into the albums. I'll go 7 overall but they're probably better than that.
  5. Man I saw this was happening. Would like to have visited. Sad news. COVID nigh destroyed my local pinball house. Got lucky that a fan bought em out and is keeping it running.
  6. Fantastic hard scifi. HAL compells me to give it a 10.
  7. Seriously though, don't go the passive aggressive route. As a manager, that always pisses me off. A good leader can and should accept legitimate constructive criticism and consider all of the angles. Honesty, your own position kind of comes last in line. What is best for the kids comes first (that includes the new set of students), then likely the whims of their parents, then your own personal concerns (assuming she can leave hre own ego out of it). School operations are in there somewhere too, probably ahead of the parents. But you do have some valid points that should be considered. Present it as what you consider best for the kids and best for the school. If she insists on the new way, ask for some feedback and clarification.
  8. Well since I was summoned for some bad advice... Grab 2 margaritas, body check those new kids, and march into that office and shoot her the double birds. That oughtta get your point across.
  9. BlooperandGoomba BlooperandGoomba BlooperandGoomba!
  10. It's made the rounds here. But yeah surely it's in jest. Has to be.
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