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  1. Loved reading all the stories! I actually fell in love with the Gameboy in my adult life. Never could afford it as a kid. In fact, we couldn't afford much so I didn't really play too many video games except 3 or 4 NES titles that we would borrow. As an adult, traveling here and there for work, I wanted to play some games during my travels that I had some connection with. The gameboy was the only choice since I always wanted one as a kid. About 7 years ago, I bought myself a gameboy and a few games, Tetris, Alleyway and Contra. I haven't stopped since. There are sooo many great titles for the gameboy. I still think it has the greatest library of any handheld. Almost weekly I discover some new game that I have to acquire and play at some point. Right now I'm playing Flappy Special. It's a Japanese exclusive puzzler. It's a fun little title...and allows me to kill time while I wait for my flights.
  2. May I please have your thoughts on the greatest portable handheld of all time? Any nostalgic memories of the first time you received your gameboy, or any other childhood memories playing the gameboy you'd like to share? To start I'll name one of my favorite games for the system. Everyone's top 10 is very similar, so let's focus on obscure games. Mine is not too obscure, but definitely a goodie. I really fell in love with Solomon's Club for gameboy. Not as long or difficult as its NES brother, but I think those are positive qualities. It has a bit more charm and playability than the NES version. Granted, I also like the NES version, but the gameboy version plays better. What are you favorite obscure games for the system?
  3. Thanks Splain. Did you have a chance to try Exodus yet? And what are your thoughts on the rarity of Lazlos Leap? The game barely gets listed and sold. If it were a more cutesy game with lovable characters, it would be hyped up. But because it's a simple puzzle game, it doesn't get much attention. Still, I think it's rarer than people think.
  4. Thank you. I might be the only person who enjoys the difficulty of Hyper Lode Runner. I find it's fair and understandable. Ishido and Tesserae I can never quite get into. I always get bored with tile based games. I need to treat those more like a slow marathon and take my time with them. I'll try to give them another chance. May I please get your thoughts on these other Gameboy games: Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land Megalit Lazlos Leap
  5. Anyone have any thoughts on these games?
  6. May I please have your opinion of these Game boy titles. Can't find any decent reviews, so looking to get more information.Brain BenderQbillionIshidoHyper Lode RunnerTesseraeFor anyone who's played these games, what are the pros and cons of each? Any nostalgic memories you would like to share?
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