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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. There are several Facebook groups dedicated to moding these cabinets. It's crazy to me how popular these mods are and the vast majority replace just about EVERYTHING. Seriously, most of them replace the screen, the controls, the internals, and even all of the graphics. They basically buy the cabinets for the precut and ready to assemble particle board. With that said, the reason I bring it up is because some of these guys expand on the control deck to make them larger (sort of like the 4 player Arcade 1Up cabinets), so if you ever decided to go that route, you would have options.
  2. When I bought my Centipede cabinet for $80 at Wal-Mart, they had an Asteroids cabinet right next to it for $80 as well. I was really tempted for that price, but I was having enough trouble justifying the space for number 2. I've never been a fan of Asteroids, but I would have enjoyed playing Tempest. Looking back, I wish I had grabbed both, even if one had to sit in a box until I could make room.
  3. I can almost agree with this, except that I rate 8 worse than 9. But that's still a great observation that I never thought about. With that said, I would still rank the worst prequel move better than best sequel movie.
  4. If I can figure out a way to fit a third cabinet, that is definitely that one I will go for. I'm glad I have the two that I have, but I bought them thinking that there would be no chance of them ever releasing TMNT. I was pretty shocked when they announced it.
  5. I've heard so much about this movie, but I've never seen it. I would like to someday, but I don't know that I will ever get around to it.
  6. I've already said that I understand their frustration, but that doesn't justify most of their actions. That site alone developed a negative stereotype for the entire TG16/PCE community that, for the most part, is still lasting today. That site had a lot of issues, and while it's a shame that all of that information is now gone, it's also not too surprising what eventually happened to it. I watched everything unfold as that site burned to the ground. Funny thing is that after it was over, I remember thinking to myself, "at least that could never happen to NA."
  7. I understood the reasons for the defensive nature over there, but I never condoned it. That's the main reason why I tried to remain neutral through all of it. I was basically just there for the hard to find information on those systems, and that site was the best source for it (which is why it was such a shame that the site fell apart the way it did). I also managed to buy my Duo R from there for a price that was a great deal at the time and would be considered highway robbery today. But regardless, I only brought it up because that site was the primary reason why the community is often considered "abrasive."
  8. Then you must have never visited pcenginefx.com before it burned to the ground about 6 months before Nintendo Age was sold. That site was extremely abrasive to anyone who might have hinted that they were more of a "collector" than a "gamer." They were extremely harsh to anyone who brought up value, collecting or hoarding. I managed to hang around and mostly lurk without attracting any negative attention my way, but I saw a lot of new people come and quickly go due to negative backlash. You had to chose your words very carefully, which is why I didn't spend too much time around there. Their knowledge of PC Engine and TG16 was above anywhere else and if you needed info, it was the best place to go. These guys owned and played these games from when they were still active and I think they didn't like the idea of the popularity that this system gained in recent years.
  9. Overall, I much prefer 2D Mario games (including the NSMB series) to any of the 3D games, and that includes Odyssey. I just hope they eventually make a proper sequel to NSMB U.
  10. I will be curious to see how well it sells. It's certainly been one of the most demanded games in terms of social media comments, so it will be interesting to see if the people calling for the game are willing to open their wallets to pay for it. The fact that both Switch and PS4 versions are open pre-orders will certainly help make it possible to be the best selling game, but that also can have the effect of losing sales from the people who only look at the games as investments. Either way it doesn't really matter to me. The game looks interesting enough to pickup and play, so I will order it. I just haven't decided which console I want to go with just yet.
  11. As a kid, I thought any Atari, was just an Atari (other than the Jaguar, which I was well aware while it was active). I was into Adulthood before I realized there were several different "numbered" Atari consoles. My experience with the 7800 is pretty limited and it's the only major Atari console that I've never owned. But given what I know of it, it's hard to rate it highly compared to the rest of the competition during that generation.
  12. This is the link he ordered from, but it looks like they are no longer available to order. He mentioned that it might be worth sending a message asking if any remain. https://www.vgdb.com.br/?fbclid=IwAR1lU-4NZ8hb_FGB5tsIeAHc54gk6Q32vmTMEK5kMod97LmPuB_TpGJqW-0
  13. I played the 3DS 3D Land (which came free with my New 3DS), and I felt the same way. Not a terrible game, but nothing that kept me coming back to play more levels. I think my kids will dig it though.
  14. I have 3D World for the Wii U, but I haven't played it yet. Is this the game ported over to the Switch, but with extra content (Bower's Fury), or is this a new game entirely? I guess it doesn't matter, because my kids will be excited for this either way and it's releasing just in time for my oldest son's birthday.
  15. That's a shame that someone would cut up a box to fit it in a clamshell. I understand the desire to put 32x games in proper cases, but it would be so much simpler to just print out a new cover for the clamshell and put the original box in storage.
  16. The PC version of the original game allowed you to save anywhere, so I don't think that's the reason. I think the game developers simply treated it the same way the developers treated the Japanese version of SMB2. They only expected seasoned veterans of the original to play it, and therefore, no reason to include simple "trainer" levels in the beginning.
  17. It's a fun game for me. I enjoy the polarity gimmick. I've been playing it for years on a gdemu in my Dreamcast, but recently bought the Switch version. I'm not great at it by any means, but I still enjoy it. With that said, I enjoyed Radiant Silvergun on the Saturn a little more. I just liked the idea of having so many different weapon types mapped to each button.
  18. I won't claim it's the hardest level ever, but one that is surprisingly difficult is the first level of Tomb Raider II. This level either assumes that you mastered the original game, or spent a ton of time in the training stage at Laura's Home. The first level does not mess around and definitely doesn't qualify as a "training" level.
  19. Would you mind sharing the colors of the DSi and DSi XL models? Depending on the color and exterior condition, I might be interested.
  20. This is another one that's difficult to rate because if I rated them in high school, it would be a 10, but to rate them today would be a 7 or 8. I just don't get the enjoyment out of their music the way I did in high school. But I will never forget how often I would use November Rain to get pumped up before a race.
  21. They had Animal Crossing e-Reader cars as well. I have a lot of them, but not a full set. In fact, the Animal Crossing cards are the only US e-Reader cards that I don't have a full set for. I have a full set for the SMB 3 cards, a full set of cards for NES games, and all of the other minor US stuff.
  22. Yeah, I read about that a while back except the thing I was looking at would be one unit instead of one card per Amiibo. Sort of like an "Everdrive" for Amiibo. I would still like to do that sometime because I do enjoy having access to some of the extra stuff (Breath of the Wild is a good example of good Amiibo use).
  23. Original is still my favorite even though I probably have more hours on Final Doom. Doom 2016 is great as well, but I wasn't able to finish it. I got Doom Eternal for Christmas so I hope to try that one sometime this year. From what I've watched online, I will probably enjoy Eternal, but not more than the original. I'm getting old and there is just too much shit going on at once in these newer games. I love the look of it, and it's fun for a little bit, but it's too much for me to play through the entire game.
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