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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Easy 10 for me. One of my favorites of all time. The first time I watched it was by accident. I was pretty young (probably too young to watch it) and my parents had a copy. I put it in thinking it was something else (I have no idea anymore what I thought I was going to watch), but I ended up watching the entire thing and I loved it. It has never gotten old for me. I still love it to this day.
  2. Be careful with those Christmas lights.
  3. It's a tough call for me because I completely respect the impact the game has had on the industry, but personally, I have never been able to get into the game. I enjoy it when I play it, but I cannot play past more than about 2 screens before I'm tired of the game and done with it. I voted for Bioshock next week because I love that game and I just happen to be playing through it again right now (HD Collection on Switch). I would love to discuss that one.
  4. Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but years ago I kept my games on deep shelves like those and since space was also an issue for me at the time, I went two games deep. However, I didn't want to keep the games in the back hidden by the games in the front, so I made smaller shelves that lifted the games up about half way. So the game in the front are completely visible, and the game in the back are about half visible. It may or may not be ideal, but it's another option. Here is an OLD picture as an example.
  5. I don' think it's blasphemous to do that, but I also don't really care for the look. If space is an issue and you are using regular bookcases with deep shelves, it will certainly allow you to store more games. I assume you will need to purchase extra shelves, but that probably isn't a big deal. I suppose when it's all said and done, it might not look that bad. It will probably look better once all of your games are setup that way. I would be very curious to see a picture of the final product.
  6. True Lies is pretty good. I watched that one fairly recently and I thought it still held up well today.
  7. For the longest time, I only knew of him from the memes. I knew he was some kind of celebrity, but it was years before I knew he was a music artist. I know of at least one song that I sort of enjoy and I might listen to if it was on the radio, but I don't think I would ever voluntarily choose to listen to his music.
  8. Just ordered. I figured it would be good to have a souvenir to help remember this year.
  9. Same. I definitely need to rewatch it because I'm curious if I would still like it.
  10. Last night I was thinking about Kindergarten Cop, so I came back here to see if anyone else had mentioned it. It's not my favorite, but it's up there. I was pretty young the first time I watched that movie. I was definitely into it for the funny scenes, but it also had just enough violence to scare the crap out of me at age 8.
  11. Last night I was thinking about Kindergarten Cop, so I came back here to see if anyone else had mentioned it. It's not my favorite, but it's up there. I was pretty young the first time I watched that movie. I was definitely into it for the funny scenes, but it also had just enough violence to scare the crap out of me at age 8.
  12. Well this thread is fantastic. Can't wait for all of the other holiday themed Sages. What do we have planned for Flag Day? Also, don't forget Casimir Pulaski Day.
  13. Hard to say for sure, but I think I have to go with T2.
  14. It's a last resort for me. I only use it if I can't find what I'm looking for anywhere else, and even then it's not usually that helpful.
  15. I never said it wasn't the best. I just said that it was "ok." Unfortunately, there are no great NASCAR movies. Talladega Nights is a funny movie, but it's a terrible NASCAR movie. I've only watched 3 one time and it was ok as well.
  16. I have to go with TMNT IV. Nostalgia definitely comes into play because it was such an amazing game for me when I was young. But I still play through it completely at least once per year and I still enjoy it today. So I feel comfortable saying it's a great game.
  17. Looks good. That type of setup will always be a challenge for cable management, but I still like how it all looks.
  18. As a NASCAR fan, I consider Days of Thunder to be "ok." It's not a bad movie, but if I'm asked to make a list of 10 great Tom Cruise films, it's probably not in the top 10 for me. The Firm is another good one I didn't see mentioned above.
  19. Based on the way that I define the genre, I would think PS1 would be your best bet. But this is a type of genre that doesn't play well on home consoles.
  20. Never saw it as a kid, but I remember it well because of the constant commercials for it. I know enough about it to know it has a following. I don't have a huge desire to see it, but I would still consider watching it sometime.
  21. Everyone is going to need to remember their rankings when we inevitably get to the PS2, PS3, PSP and Vita debates.
  22. He never said it wasn't amazing. If I'm including handhelds, I would also probably rank it last, but I would still consider it an amazing console. It's pretty awesome that the worst console from Sony is still a fantastic product.
  23. You have to ignore a substantial portion of the library to believe this statement. The Indie scene is about as big on the PS4 as it's been on all other consoles combined. None of those games would fit your description, and yet most of them are a lot of fun to play.
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