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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Yes, definitely. PS1>PS4>PS3>PS2 And before anyone jumps on me, ranking the PS2 last doesn't make it bad.
  2. This is the first time I'm actually considering an version other then the standard edition.
  3. I follow several FB pages related to limited print games, but I'm at the point where it's just not worth my time to track it all. Pretty much everything I'm interested in goes through LRG at some point, so I pretty much just follow them.
  4. I see. I used to follow the other limited print companies, but it's too much to keep track of these days, so I didn't see that. For me it doesn't matter. If it's a game that my kids most likely won't be interested in, I just assume get it for the PS4 anyway.
  5. TDIRunner


    I hope you don't plan to open that box. Keep it sealed forever.
  6. I've only watched a little bit of gameplay on YouTube, but I saw enough that I knew I wanted it. I don't mind it being on PS4, except that it was limited to only 2,000 copies. If they take it to Switch, that should mean pre-order which makes it easier for everyone to get it.
  7. TDIRunner


    @SealedWholesale I meant to say this earlier (and this really applies to everyone here), but it's appreciated that you and everyone else isn't just throwing stuff away simply because it doesn't have much value. I had some stuff about 6 months ago that I wanted to get rid of and I almost threw it away because I felt it was worthless. I listed it here first and I was surprised how much of it was taken. Even though most of the stuff wouldn't have sold for a buck on eBay, it still makes me happy that it ended up in the hands of another collector instead of in the trash.
  8. Anyone else order Freedom Finger this morning? I couldn't help myself. The box art (especially the spine) is one big troll, but the game looks pretty fun.
  9. I never got into this game. I remember it well. I had lots of friends who were playing it and they all said good things about it. It was always my intention to try it out, but I never got around to it.
  10. No particular order. Die Hard A Christmas Story Elf How the Grinch Stole Christmas Christmas Vacation
  11. Both of their performances in this movie were outstanding. Bernie Mac demanding half and John Ritter describing a Little Person get me every time.
  12. Probably a good idea, but damn it, I wanted to know the dimensions/thickness of the current models. But I guess it doesn't matter. Even if they were as good of a quality as my older ones, I wouldn't pay what they are asking for them.
  13. TDIRunner


    I just opened my email to several dozen emails for this thread. I will take the 360 lot. I'll send you a PM. Thanks.
  14. TDIRunner


    You continue to bring up microtransactions as if it supports your position. The profits they make off microtransactions are the same whether the game is sold digitally or physically, so those profits stay the same regardless. They aren't marginalizing anything since game sales aren't going to change. The digital games have higher profit margins. They make more money off individual games in a digital only world and continue to make the same margins off the microtransactions. Therefore, they make more money overall. If you want to say something actually refutes that fine, but otherwise I've wasted enough time over this nonsense.
  15. 8 Great movie. Never gets old. If I see it on, I can watch it from any point in the movie. Although watching it on TV kind of sucks if they are cutting anything out.
  16. TDIRunner


    Because they can. The vast majority of people who buy physical will switch to digital if they have no choice because they are going to play the next COD no matter what. If the console manufactures can switch to a more profitable distribution network without losing any sales, why wouldn't they do that? By the way, you keep proving my point when you say the most profitable portion of most games is the DLC and micro transactions (that stuff is all digital). When they switch the games over to all digital, they will make more money because they will be using the same distribution channel as their DLC and micro transactions. They will make more money. If you still aren't grasping it, that's your answer. They will make more money.
  17. TDIRunner


    They make more money off a digital sale then a physical sale. The fact that they make more money off skins and other DIGITAL ONLY DLC supports this fact. As soon as the internet can support it, they are going all digital because they will make a lot more money. The fact that you don't like it isn't going to change anything. As you put it, that's how companies work.
  18. TDIRunner


    Your are assuming that the demand for gaming will go away if physical goes away. Many people might bitch and complain when it happens, but they are still going to buy the latest Call of Duty no matter how it's sold. If going digital will make them more money, and it will, then it's going to happen. Lack of world wide high speed internet is the only thing that has kept it from happening already.
  19. TDIRunner


    Again, comparing to books doesn't work because they are too different. Physical gaming could last forever with companies like LRG, but Sony Microsoft and Nintendo can stop them any time by simply stopping the production of disc drives. End of story. Books don't have that issue. As long as one book publishing company wants to print books they will be around forever. The ONLY way physical gaming lasts forever is if companies like LRG publish games for consoles that can't play the media. That's the only possible scenario where physical gaming doesn't die. With the number of people who don't open and play their games, maybe that could work.
  20. TDIRunner


    You are making the argument that we wont go all digital because too many people want physical, but we have no say in it. Going digital only is a perfect example of an industry telling us what we want instead of giving us what we want. PS5 has more physical games because of all the small limited print publishers that have sprung up. They are filling a void that has sufficient demand. But all Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have to do is drop the physical consoles and it's all over. There is no risk in going all digital for the console makers because the people who will stop gaming all together make up too small of a percentage to even matter.
  21. TDIRunner


    That's not a far comparison because all it takes is three gaming companies to decide to go all digital and it's done. Books will always be physical because they don't require a console to play on. The only thing that's keep digital only gaming from becoming a reality is internet speeds. As high speed internet becomes more widespread we will get closer to the inevitable digital only gaming.
  22. I'll be curious about the thickness of everything too. I'm guessing they are thinner in all aspects compared to the older ones.
  23. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not seeing that here ar all. If it's because the GBP doesn't enhance the games, I'm not sure why you are focusing on that. It plays GB games on a big screen with a regular controller. What more could anyone want?
  24. When did the Game Boy Player become "forgotten/ underappreciated?"
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