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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. It depends on how old they are. I have those, but mine date back to when they were deep enough that CD jewel cases didn't stick out. Mine are pretty solid, but I believe the newer ones are much thinner and CD jewel cases will stick out over the edge. I'm not a fan of that considering they are pretty pricey.
  2. The 360 is the only video game system I inherited when I got married. My wife had one that she got as Christmas git for the sole purpose of playing the Dance games with the Kinect. Our model has probably spent way more time being used as a streaming device, but I've had some enjoyment with it playing the Forza series along with a hand full of other games. I actually don't know if I can give it an honest review or not. I was definitely a PS3 person during that generation, but I also owned a Wii. Since I got the 360 before the next gen came out, it was technically the first time I had ever owned every major console in a generation while the systems were still active, but the 360 was definitely used the least out of that group.
  3. Also, Tim's ban was temporary and he did come back afterwards and posted a few times, but not much before we never heard from him again. Based on most of his posts, I always got the feeling that he didn't have a lot of forum experience and he had absolutely no intentions of sticking around for long. He came in to say his word, and he stuck around a little bit longer to troll the people that he didn't care for.
  4. Seeing this list reminds me of the thread back on NA. That thread made up like 90% of the activity on NA for what felt like a pretty long time.
  5. TDIRunner


    Just for the record, I want to add that I do not fear a digital only video game market. To be honest, I'm pretty indifferent to it. While I would prefer that physical media stick around forever, I won't be that upset when the inevitable happens. I admit there are some advantages to digital only. The biggest advantage (and probably the only advantage for me) is that it will save me a ton of money in that I will almost completely stop buying new video games. Realistically I will still probably continue to buy some games simply because I have young kids who won't care about digital only gaming and will want to play the latest Mario game. But with digital only, we will only buy the games we know for sure we want to play. No more buying a game because it looks cool and I might play it sometime down the road. With physical media, I can accept the fact that I might spend money on a game I might never play, but with digital that will never happen.
  6. TDIRunner


    That's an interesting strategy. Take a small loss up front on digital consoles to get people to buy them and get used to having digital only content so fewer people revolt when they force you to go digital only by dropping the disc drive all together.
  7. TDIRunner


    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what the consumer wants. The console and game makers want everything to go all digital because it means more money for them, so it's going to happen eventually.
  8. TDIRunner


    If that's true, than that's good to hear. It's certainly possible that the digital only crow is simply the loudest on social media, which is why I mentioned that I was interested in actual sales numbers to compare to what I see on social media.
  9. Haven't played it. I haven't played any COD that isn't based on WWII.
  10. I'm glad that I've been working from home this year because we have had two very expensive packages arrive at our house this week in their their normal packaging box instead of a brown shipping box. Both of these items were high dollar and high theft items and they were completely recognizable from the street. Luckily, neither was outside long before I picked them up since I was home anyway. I'm in a good neighborhood, and wouldn't expect anyone to take a box off my porch, but it still isn't worth the risk. One package was from Home Depot, and the other was from Wal-Mart. I can't say about Wal-Mart since my wife made the order, but I know for sure that I did not have an option to select a brown shipping box when I made my order from Home Depot. The funny thing is that the next day I received my other order from Home Depot which was also an expensive/high theft item, but it was shipped in a brown box.
  11. Funny thing is that I wasn't the one to buy them from the old rental store. I bought these from a Hollywood Tan location of all places. They bought them from a former rental store that closed down and they rented DVDs to people who came in for a tan. After several years they decided to get out of the rental business and sold it off. That's how I got them for $20 each. They had two more shelving units, but I was only able to get 3 unfortunately.
  12. I almost never see this mentioned, but keep an eye on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist for people selling old media shelving. Most people are getting out of physical media so lots of people are getting rid of old CD or DVD shelving that is often perfect for video games. Billy bookcases are great if you want to get something new and quick, but they are also pretty deep which leaves a lot of wasted space unless you plan to go two deep on your gaming (which isn't great for easy access). All of my game shelves have been bought second hand for next to nothing. The white shelves in this picture were $20 each on Facebook Marketplace and each one holds approximately 650 DVD sized games each. These might not be the specific style you are looking for, but there is all sorts of stuff out there on the second hand market.
  13. I've never played through the game myself, but I remember watching my college roommate play it on his GameCube and thinking that it looked like a pretty cool RE game despite being pretty different from the original formula. I remember thinking that it was more of an action game than survival horror, but I was ok with that at the time. I think that it still had just enough elements of survivor horror for me to be ok with it. RE 5 and 6 went too far into the action genre for my liking. I've seen enough of the game to feel that I would probably rate it a 6 or 7 if I played it, but I can't ever imagine liking it more than 1 and 2. However, since I haven't actually played it myself, I won't give it an official rating. It's still a goal of mine to get through this game someday.
  14. Our deer season was the weekend before Thanksgiving. Due to the unusually warm weather, the deer weren't really moving around the way they normally would, so after two days of no luck, I tried a new spot. When I was about to setup, I saw some orange off in the distance in a tree on the other side of our property line. It was the neighbor setup in a tree stand that I didn't know about. So I picked up and moved off to a different location. If it wasn't for that orange, I never would have seen him. Safety is so important while hunting. Obviously wearing orange is key, but knowing what's beyond your target is also super important. I tend to setup in an area that puts me above my target, whether that's a tree stand or just setting up on the top of a hill. That way, if I happen to miss my target, my slug is going straight into the ground.
  15. This is the type of music I've grown to appreciate as I've gotten older. As a kid I didn't hate his music, but I just didn't really pay attention to it. Whether you like his music or not, it's hard to ignore the impact he has had on the industry.
  16. Oh, I wasn't asking for it to be added. I wouldn't' expect many votes either (if any). I'm just surprised no one at least brought it up as at least a style they enjoyed. While the 3DO long boxes looked cool, they definitely suffered from a lack of uniformity.
  17. While I've already mentioned my favorite, I will also add 3DO as an honorable mention. I'm surprised to not see it at all. Many people like to rag on the console for not living up to its expectations in initial price tag, but their game boxes were pretty cool and make all other "long boxes" look pretty small by comparison.
  18. Clamshell cases are better than cardboard boxes every day of the week, but Sega games usually didn't have the best artwork.
  19. For me, the problem with N64 boxes isn't the artwork, but the general template of the boxes. I've never been a fan of the spines of the boxes, especially the green on most of the boxes. I just never cared for it.
  20. That's really nice of you to even put the Master System as an option. I'm going to pick NES, but if I could, I would specifically pick Black Box NES. I love the boxes that actually show the game graphics on the front.
  21. Until the PS1 era when I had my own money to buy games, my family very rarely bought games for our consoles. When the SNES came out, the only NES games we owned were SMB/Duck Hunt,SMB2, SMB3 and Rad Racer. Same thing during the SNES era. When the PS1 came out, the only SNES games we owned were SMW, Yoshi's Island, and DK Country. So I'm fortunate in that we basically only owned good games. We rented a TON of stuff, but if a game wasn't that good, we just didn't rent it again. So I really can't think of an objectively bad game that I enjoyed as a kid just because I had nothing else to play. Edit: I forgot about Game Boy games, but even then, it's the same story. The only games we owned were Tetris, SML, SML2, SML3 and Kirby Pinball.
  22. Quick question/suggestion. Since there are only so many consoles out there, and for the most part the discussions for each console have been going on for longer than a week, should these debates maybe happen ever other week, instead of every week? Just a thought. It's not a problem for me if they continue weekly. @fox
  23. This is a hard one for me to rank. I owned the PS2 from this era, so I don't have any nostalgic memories of this console. However, after buying one many years later during the PS3/Wii era, I've still have good times playing this console. The Thousand Year Door is by far my favorite game for the console and I've also enjoyed Twin Snakes and Double Dash. However, I've never been a fan of the controller. I know it's ranked highly by most people, but I've always considered the A,B,X,Y setup to be a disaster. There is nothing wrong with optimizing a controller for a single game, but don't make it the console's primary controller. I have to give it a 6 because it's better than average, but I can't say much more than that.
  24. Yeah, I don't see how anyone could rate it as the worst console of all time considering all of the other contenders out there. It might be the worst console that most people have heard of, but certainly not worst of all time.
  25. The thing is, it's impossible to tell. They put that clear sticker on the case that has to be broken to open it so I guess it fits their definition of "new" despite the fact that it doesn't anyone else's definition of "new." The good thing is that since my order didn't have any type of buy something get something, I should be able to return whichever individual games get sent this way. I thought I was going to be able to avoid this crap by ordering online because I thought they would get shipped out from some distribution center, but it looks like the individual stores ship them out from their locations, so I end up with the same shenanigans that I get from the store. Since I'm still waiting on the rest of my order, I'm curious how many will actually be new.
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