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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I stopped ordering used games from GameStop because they usually come disc or cart only without any case. I honestly didn't think I would have this issue with new games, so ordered a bunch of games for Black Friday, all listed as NEW. The first one came today and it's used. I typically defend GameStop, but it's getting harder and harder to do that these days.
  2. There is one and ONLY one thing you can do with it that you can't do with a laptop (this only applies to nice laptops). You can give it to your kids and not have to worry about costing you much money if they break it. Both of my kids have Fire tablets and they love them. I've used them myself, but they are pretty slow. My kids don't know any better about the speed, so they don't realize there are better (and more expensive) products out there. You can get really nice thick padded cases for them that make them nearly unbreakable. Again, the case is so thick, it's obnoxious, but my kinds don't know any better, so they don't care. Edit: My kids are 4 and 6.
  3. As I mentioned, if I wasn't going to use the BLW, I would fix and repair the original equipment as my second choice. With that said, I think it's unfair to say that the OEM is the best to use when it's such an inherently poor design. The only reason they used a ZIF connector was to differentiate it from a "video game system" and make it more like an "entertainment system." While there were many reasons for Nintendo to go in this direction, it ultimately lead to a very flawed design, and "best" is never a word I would use to describe it. The BLW is what the original design of the NES should have been in the first place.
  4. The original Gran Turismo on PS1 had two instruction booklets that were so thick, the game had to be put in a double CD jewel case despite having only one disc. Each individual manual would have been too thick to fit in a standard jewel case. Edit: Just checked, and each booklet was 64 pages each. One was meant to be the traditional instruction manual, and the other was a reference manual for the cars and driving techniques.
  5. TDIRunner


    I would love to know that info. From what I'm seeing, the younger gaming crowd seems to want to avoid physical media. I won't get into the debate here, but as long as the prices are the same, that just seems so foolish to me.
  6. TDIRunner


    I don't' know if there is any truth to it, but there is a thing going around on Facebook that some people who bought a digital only version of the PS5 are getting the disc version inside the box................ and people are complaining about it. My favorite comment is from the person saying he would demand a replacement because the disc version is "too much work." I can't help but think the story is fake, but the comments are certainly real.
  7. I backed the Blinking Light Win back when it was on Kickstarter, so I've had once since the very beginning. I like the solution for two main reasons. First, it works. I've never had a cart not work since installing it. Second, it can be removed and you can put your NES back to original at any time you want. I'm not a big fan of permanent solutions, especially when they require cutting holes in things. That doesn't happen with the Blinking Light Win. Downsides? The early versions have a pretty tight grip. I've heard that has gotten better, but I've only ever used mine, so I can't say for sure. I leave my Everdrive in mine pretty much all of the time, so the tight grip doesn't really matter for me. For what I paid, it's absolutely worth it in my opinion. Aftermarket 72 pin connectors are made pretty cheaply these days and they seem to only be a temporary solution since they tend to fail after a pretty short period of time. If I wasn't going to use the Blinking Light Win, I would try to clean and fix my original 72 pin connector before buying an aftermarket one.
  8. For reasons I can't explain, the circle/square/cross/triangle always worked for me. Before I had a memory card, I had to "save" my progress in Crash Bandicoot with their password system. I used to type those passwords in without looking down at my controller just like I was typing on a keyboard. I don't know why, but it just worked. And it wasn't because of their original design. I didn't know the symbols represented their actions until many years later.
  9. I'm sort of in the same boat. I want to play those games, but am I ever going to?................ probably not.
  10. I don't own a wood pellet/smoker, but my father-in-law does. I've never had a bad meal from it. I've had to fix it more time than I can count, but luckily they are pretty easy to work on due to their simple design. I've been wanting to get my own, but they are so expensive, and we grill so little mainly because those types of meals we usually end up eating at relative's houses. I also used to sell them YEARS ago back in my hardware store days. Sometimes the boss would have me smoking some food outside the store.
  11. I did too. Because of my age when the console came out, it was the first console I owned where I had the means to buy my own games, and therefore, my collection of PS1 games was considerably larger then the consoles I had before it. I rented a lot of stuff as well, but I always remember having such a large selection of quality titles to choose from.
  12. I just got my Jedi Outcast/Academy games along with Shantae: Seven Sirens yesterday. Unfortunately, if you are a sealed collector, you might not like the quality of the seal on the Jedi Knight games. I'm going to open mine, so it doesn't matter to me. Everything is in perfect condition, but the seal isn't very attractive on the spine, at least for me.
  13. Sometimes baking soda can absorb smells. I bought a used refrigerator as a spare beer fridge for the basement and it smelled a little off. I've kept a box of baking soda in it ever since and it's eliminated the smell. What kind of aerosol can was it? Was it super old? Does it get really hot under your sink for any reason?
  14. I'm glad I could help a little bit, but you will need a smarter person than me to figure out the last part. I hope it works for you. Don't forget to play some Road Rash, NFS and PO'ed. Also, Casper is a pretty fun port that has gotten pretty expensive. Alone in the Dark doesn't run very well on the 3DO, but it's still a game you have to at least try out.
  15. They are unfortunately not easy to find. They were not out long before they were replaced by the Dual Shock. I bought one right away when they came out, and then bought the Dual Shock when it came out later. I hardly ever see the Dual Analogs today. Interesting fact about the Dual Analog. It has 3 "modes" instead of the 2 "modes" on the Dual Shock. No light - same mode as the original PS1 controller Green light - same mode and the dual analog flight stick controller Red light - traditional dual analog mode The Dual Analog controller has all three modes above, but the Dual Shock only had the first and third.
  16. For me, it comes down to whether or not I think my kids will want to play it. If I know they will be into it, Switch. But if not, probably the PS4. I almost never play it portably (my kids do, but not me), so I might as well get the best looking version, and 90% of the time, cheaper version too.
  17. Mine is supposed to arrive today. ................... and it's here.
  18. It's looking like a cheap Christmas for me this year because I am not seeing much in the ways of deals. Maybe some ads haven't come out yet, but unless something drastically changes, it won't take me long to get my shopping done.
  19. I'm guessing the contents of the folder, but I'm not 100% certain. Again, I haven't used any of the devices that MNemo has made, so I'm not familiar with them.
  20. I'm not familiar with that particular device. Most similar devices require some type of OS file saved to the root of the SD card. Usually after that, you can just save you ISOs straight to the card. Some devices are more strict about the file type than others. If there aren't instructions on the seller's website, you will almost certainly find them somewhere online, whether it's on a YouTube tutorial, or in one of the many flash cart forums online.
  21. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. Some people like to play with it and others like to keep it sealed up and put away on a shelf.
  22. I agree with the above. I'm starting to see the term shovelware thrown around too much for games that people don't like, and that's a bit unfair. I would add to the definition that shoevelware is often meant to sell based on its name or license. For example, many shovelware games are completed with low budgets and little time with the hope that people will buy them because it's based on their kids favorite movie. With that said, the amount of shovelware is almost always directly related to the popularity of the console itself. As the Switch sells more and more units, we are going to start to see more and more shovelware released for the console.
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