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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Glad to hear it worked out for you. Update us when you get everything running.
  2. Find yourself a Dual Analog controller. My favorite controller of all time. My biggest disappointment with the PS1 was that when they went from the Dual Analog to the Dual Shock, they made the controller smaller. I always wished they had stuck wit the Dual Shock size.
  3. I've never encountered a single broken PS1 controller in my entire life. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 different PS1 controllers of all styles and colors. That is definitely not a common issue even after all of these years. You are probably mixing them up with PS2 controllers which, unfortunately are not nearly as reliable. But even then, it took most PS2 controllers more than 10 years before they started showing issues, and even then, cleaning them fixes most problems. I'm not sure why PS2 controllers allow dirt inside more than PS1, but it happens.
  4. While I don't plan to get a PS5 this year, whenever I do, it's a no brainer for me to get the disc drive version. With that said, I didn't even think about the 4K blue ray player. That makes the disc drive version that much better. I just can't comprehend a digital only version.
  5. Super fun game, but the sequel improves on it in every way. While I still recommend the game, I'm also of the opinion that it's ok to skip this one and go straight to the sequel if you've never played it.
  6. Considering what it cost, I think it's ok to feel that way.
  7. That's because he hasn't had a major role in a mainline Mario series game since Mario World. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion as much as it's just an unfortunate reality.
  8. Easy 10 for me. My favorite console of all time. So many classic games that still hold up today.
  9. I'm all for it. I would much rather see this happening from private companies than the government.
  10. I listened to him a lot when I was in grade school, but not so much now. If I heard it on the radio, I would probably still enjoy some of that music, but it's not anything I usually choose to play today.
  11. I enjoy large, empty settings like the castle in Ico, or the Forbidden Land in Shadow of the Colossus. Breath of the Wild is up there as well. It's not nearly as empty, but it's just so beautiful.
  12. Since I commented earlier without answering the OP, I'll do that here. I'm not sure it was the LAST game that impressed me, but I'll mention Horizon Zero Dawn for one major reason: the story. This was the first game I ever played where the story was so interesting, I was actually looking forward to the next cutscene. There were a few times that I actually wanted to skip past the gameplay in order to see the next cutscene, and that's never happened to me before. But even with that, the gameplay was still amazing.
  13. Mandatory language in all online sales: "No low balls. I know what I have."
  14. I agree that competition is good and I was happy when WATA first started because they looked good ON PAPER. However, in practice, I don't think they have had a much of a positive impact on the hobby that we were hoping they were going to have.
  15. That's about what I would expect. However you go about selling those games, good luck with the sales. I saw a few of your listings here and you have some pretty nice stuff for sale. I wish I would make some offers on some of it, but I'm not sure I'll be buying too many games in the near future.
  16. If you had said MGS4 was a long movie with bits of gameplay thrown in every once and a while, I would have agreed with you, but they way you worded it makes no sense to me. All cut scenes are fully skippable and then you get straight back to gameplay. I've played through that game probably a dozen times. The first time through I watched the cutscenes, but ever since then I've always skipped them. As per just about any Kojima game, the story itself is pretty "meh" to me, but the gameplay is truly amazing. I completely understand that Kojima cutscenes are too much for many people (myself included), but I don't see a reason to enjoy the game any less since you can just skip them. Interesting note. The cutscenes in MGS4 can also be paused (first MGS game to do this that I know of), which is really nice if you actually want to watch the cutscenes, but also need a bathroom break halfway through. )
  17. Since Facebook Marketplace is designed for selling locally, it's probably going to vary by area. In my experience, Marketplace is a great place for buying and selling bigger items that are more difficult to ship, and therefore better suited for selling locally. This includes things like cars, furniture, and large tools. However, for smaller items that are simple to ship, I tend to avoid Marketplace because it's simply easier and usually cheaper to look at places that sell nationwide such as eBay. That's not to say you can't make it work, but in my area, all video game related posts are super overpriced, and if I'm going to spend that kind of money, I might as well get the buyer protection that I get from eBay or Amazon. I'm not sure that I've ever had a successful purchase or sale of video game related items on Marketplace, but I've bought and sold tons of larger items (primarily tools) this way with a lot of success.
  18. I prefer cartridges to discs as well, but there are other downsides to them. Because they are more expensive to produce, the game publishers ultimately look for ways to cut costs, and we end up with game "collections" that only have one game on the cart and the rest end up being digital downloads.
  19. I did not realize that Dirt 5 was already being released. I'll be looking forward to that one. I love that series.
  20. That's perfect timing. I was just thinking about giving Sunshine a try (for the first time ever).
  21. I have two consoles, probably two dozen games, and a crap load of different style controllers and accessories for it. I enjoy playing some of the games, but admittedly most of the good games are available on other consoles. I had a friend who bought one right after the initial price drop and I was pretty jealous of him at the time. However, once the PS1 game out and I got one, I knew I had the better console. Road Rash, Need for Speed and PO'ed are great games that lots of people talk about. However, one that I hardly ever hear anyone mention is Casper. That game is a lot of fun and the graphics have aged pretty well. It's also a simple enough game that the controller doesn't hinder it the way it does with other games like PO'ed. Am I glad I own the console? Yes. Would I buy it with today's prices? No. These pictures are NOT my collection, but from one of the more insane collections I've ever seen. These pictures aren't even the tip of the iceberg.
  22. It's definitely a concern I have. In a perfect world, all of these companies would turn every digital game into a physical game, but in reality, it seems like there are too many companies right now to sustain themselves and I fear a crash might be in our near future. As a person who only buys games that I'm interested in, this won't have a negative impact on me, but for the many people I see on social media who are basically planning their future around these games as an investment, it makes me feel a little sick.
  23. If it's true, it must be brand new news because up until recently, they had announced that the backwards compatibility was roughly equal to what the Xbox One was able to do, which was about half or less.
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